1.1  Statement of the Problem
US campaign against international terrorism in Afghanistan immediately after the destruction of the Pentagon (World Trade center) popularly known as 9/11 is the back drop against which the statement of problem is formulated.
The 9/11/2001 terrorist attack masterminded by Osma Bin Ladin on USA pentagon has generated mix reactions across the globe. The lives and property claimed by the ugly incident led to the enactment of law on counter terrorism in 2001 by all UN member states to avoid
reoccurrence. Members states of UN without hesitation signed into law, anti- terrorism acts aimed at dealing with any individual or group of individuals who   involve in error with law enforcement agencies.
The question here is whether US   single handedness or unilateral decision in invading countries she perceive as a threat to America solve the current  trend of terrorisms in the case of Afghanistan  and other weak countries of the  world . Law enforcement agents have been established by UN member   states at the directive and in  favour of USA  who assume  the  world power today. Also  putting into  consideration the dynamic nature of trend which included the  “old terrorism that existed between  1960s  and  1980 when  terrorist had majorly secular motivation and a  rational political reasons for their  acts, excessive force and indiscriminate violence was not used in that the  level of casualty  was low and the  9/11 event that resulted   to a new type of terrorism of extreme violence  and  high rate of casualties and whether  the entire USA administrative and policy system is enough to  discourage terrorism  internationally
Again the problem of terrorism revolves on USA issue of hegemony, the issue of modernity and issue of modernity and issue of clash of civilization. However,  the problem of unimplemetability  of  the anti  terrorism act by UN member nations, effective  policy intelligence gathering, reorganization  of the entire security landscape of Afghanistian  remain paramount to this study.  The researchers concern again in this paper is to examine the threat of terrorism by Taliban’s. In the regards, this paper attempts to provide possible answers or
i.                    Identify who really is a terrorists
ii.                 Why USA declare war on terrorism on Afghanistan  
iii.               Examine the menace of USA unilateral decision   will cause in future.

1.2  Hypothesis
Hypothesis according to Macmillan English  Dictionary for Advanced Learners, New Edition  (2007)  defined it as an idea that attempts to explain something but has not  yet  been  tested or proved to be correct. For Obasi (2000) , he  opined that hypothesis  is an intelligent guest over a particular phenomenon. This  means that some of the ideas  we have over a certain phenomenon at times  prove to be real when tested.  For the purpose of this research paper, the following research questions were formulated:
i.                    What derives global terrorism?
ii.                 Is it the issue of hegemony?
iii.               Can frustration lead to terrorism?
1.4 Objective of the Study
This dissertation is aimed  at examining the legal framework against  international terrorism  and  taking time to highlight the possible problems  that could hinder the implementation of these  legal framework(s)  and why US is hated by  developing nations. Accordingly, our objectives in this work will be:
1.      To examine the legal framework  against  international terrorism
2.      To access the adequacy of  the  existing  provisions
3.      To examine the factors that hinder implementation of these legal framework and why US  is hated
4.      To ensure that suggestions are made geared   towards addressing these factors and ensuring the implantation of these frameworks for the combat of terrorism
1.3  Significance of  the Study
Different scholars have written so much work on terrorism in the contemporaries to meet with the future challenges. However, it is important to note   that they have most at times concentrated on international terrorism in relation to the September 11, 2001 bombing of the twin tower. Many have written on international terrorism in many countries of the world. Most of the works  on terrorism are text books, internet CNN etc. Many   scholars  have also  written on the existing law on war against   terrorism  across the glob and UN resolutions,, considering that anti –terrorism bill has been passed, this research  work is   significant to the extent that: 
1.       The  ministries of foreign affairs will find the paper so  useful as a  resource materials 
2.       It will pave way   for future reference for both the scholars of international relations and  the foreign affairs ministry
3.       It will create avenue for recommendation  purposes when  an incident of  terrors occurs
4.       The federal government will find  the research paper  invaluable for recommendation to any  part where there  is a problem
1.6 Scope of the Study
The main focus and area of coverage is US invocation crusade on war against terrorism in Afghanistan under the administration of George W bush in 2001
Therefore, this work is primarily aimed at a critical examination of why USA is always a point of target by Arabic world especially the  9/11/2001.
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