US campaign on war against international terrorism in Afghanistan is a serious case that has attracted state, regional and global attention. Attack on one country when not prevented will actually lead to an attack on another country.  Freedom of    one is a loss to the other terrorism is a collective responsibility that should be fought using all necessary measures.
Since September, 2001 terrorist attack directed at the United State of America, the issue of   terrorism   has attracted more than ever before a global attention. This is because the scale of
damage, which accompanied the attack and the attendant loss of human lives is a serious one. Osama Bin Laden after repeated denial in 2004 , claimed  responsibility   for the September 11, 2001   attack on  the  united states.  The attacks involved the hijacking of four commercial passenger aircraft. The  subsequent   destruction of those planes and the world trade center in  new York city, severe damage to the pentagon in Arlington, Virginia  and the deaths of   about 2974 people and  the  nineteen  hijackers including citizens  of  eighty countries.  Between  2003  to  2010, in  over  10,000 attacks  being executed by  Al-Quaeda in Iraq and  Afghanistan,  4470  people have died and 8141 people  injured. President George Bush in his address to a joint session of the United States congress and the people of the United States lamented as follows:
On September 11, the enemies of freedom committed an act of war against our country. American have known wars but for the past 136 years   they have seen wars on; foreign soil,  except for one Sunday  in  1941  . American have known casualties of war but not at the centre of  a great city on a peaceful morning. American have known surprise attacks but never before on thousands of civilians. All of this was brought upon us in a single day and night fell on  a different world where freedom itself was  under attack.
From the   foregoing, the US in response to the attacks, launched war on terror to depose  the Taliban  regime in Afghanistan and capture  Al-quaeda operatives and several countries  strengthened their anti-terrorism legislation  to prevent further attacks. The federal  bureau of investigation (EBI)  has  stated that classified evidence linking Al-quaeda  and  bin laden to the attacks of September  11, is  clear and irrefutable. The  UK government also reached  a similar conclusion regarding Al-quaeda and Bin Laden’s culpability for the September 11,  2001 attacks.
On September  16, 2001 bin  laden read  a  statement later broadcast by   qutar’s  al-jazeera satellite channel denying responsibility for the attack in video tape recovered by the US  forces in November, 2001   in Jalalabad, bin laden was seen discussing the attack with  Khaled al Habi in a way that indicates fore  knowledge. The tape was broadcast on various  news  networks  on December  13, 2001.
The merits of this translation have been disputed.  Arabist Dr. Abdel E.I.M Husseini stated:  “thus translation is very problematic because it is not identical with Arabic. In the 18 -minute tape, played on Al Jazeera, four days before the American presidential election ,. Bin Ladin accused US president George Bush of negligence on the  Hijacking of  the planes on September  11. According   to the tapes, bin laden claimed he was inspired to destroy the world trade centre after watching the destruction of towers in Lebanon by Israel during the 1982 Lebanon war. In two other tapes aired by Al Jazeera  in  2006 Osama bin laden announces,  I am the  one in charge of the nineteen brothers, I was  responsible for entrusting the  nineteen brothers with the raids (5 minutes audio tape broad cast  May  23, 2006.)  and is seen with Ramzi Binal Shibh as well as two of the  9/11  hijackers, Haniza Al Ghamdi and  wail Al-shhri as they make preparation for the attacks.
In  1999,  US President Bill Clinton convinced the united nations to impose sanctions against  Afghanistan in an attempt to force the Taliban to extradite him. On  October, 2001, Bin Laden appeared a well  on the initial  list of the top  22  FBI most wanted terrorists, which was released  to the public by the president of the United State George W. Bush in direct response to the  attacks of  9/11 but which was again  based on indictment for the 1998  embassy attack  Bush concluded the guilty of  Osama as the Taliban  refused to try him after many  times of requests by USA as a matter of fact, Bill Clinton administration has  in his objectives the capture of Osama Bin Laden. President Clinton shortly  after September 11,2001  had  signed a directive  giving  legal support to apprehend bin laden and bring him to United States for trial after the  1998  United States embassy  bombing in  African.  In 2000,  prior to the September 11  attacks,   Paul Bremer characterized the Clinton  administration as correctly focused on Bin Laden while Robert O Akley criticized their obsession with Osama. Bush administration immediately after the  9/11  attack, US government official named  bin laden  and the Al-Quada organization as the prime suspects and offered a reward of   $25 million for information leading  to his capture  or  death. On July 13 2007, the figure was doubled to $50million.  At line pilot and air transport association offered an additional $2 million reward. The US Afghanistan forces raided the mountains caves in tora between august  14/6 /2007.
More so the Obama administration played a vital role. On October 7, 2008 in the second presidential debate on foreign policy, the presidential candidate Barrack Obama   pledged
“we will  kill bin laden. We will crush Al –quaeda. 
That has   to be our biggest national security priority
The President elect, Obama expressed  his  plains to “renew US commitment to finding Al-quaeda leader,  Osama Bin Ladin .
According to his national security advises   “ in an  effort to ratchet up the hunt of the terrorist, the US secretary of defense Robert  Gates said in December, 2009 that officials had had  no reliable information  on Bin Laden’s  where abouts for years. A week later, General Stanley MCchrystal, the top us commander in Afghanistan said in  2009  that Al-quaeda will not be degreated  unless its leader is captured or killed.  Testifying to the US congress, he said Osama had become an Iconic figure, whose survival emboldens Al-quaeda as a franchising organization across the world. Osama deployed 30,000 extra troops to Afghanistan to ensure a victory.
In April 2011, Obama ordered a convert operation to kill Bin Laden.  On May 2, 2011 US Navy Seals carried it out and killed him in his Abbottabad, Pkistan compound.
Since the terrorist attack started,  US has lost many solders and Afghanistan soldiers mixed with civilians giving rise to about 10,000 people death and hundreds of thousands of   casualties. a  recent study by the New York partnership and chamber of commerce reveals that the  direct and indirect economics costs of   the  destruction of the world trade centrer is   about  $83  billion as Lee and Perl  2002 cited in Onuoha, 2008  in his book entitled “beyond  diplomacy, contemporary issues in international relations. The afghan red army is fighting   seriously to defeat the US forces while PLO and HAMAH have been   unleashing terror over Israel domination of  the  territory  that now  form  Afghanistan were established toward the end  of  the  19th  century, when the British and the Bussian empires were competing for control of  the region. The pashtun population was split, one part living in British India and the pashtun majority in Afghanistan reduced to about half the population.
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