Coconut, yellow variety of fresh
tigernut and packaged whole milk powder will be purchased from a local market
(meat market) in Abakaliki metropolis, Ebonyi state, Nigeria. While the stouter culture will also be
purchased from on supermarket in Abakaliki metropolis, Ebonyi, state
Nigeria. The lactose and sucrose will be
purchased from Ogbete main market at Enugu, Enugu state, Nigeria:
The coconut will be broken using small
club the mealy part removed using a dull stainless stell knife. The brown skin will be removed with a sharp
knife and the meaty part without the brown skin will be thoroughly wash and
grater using a grater. The grated coconut meaty part will be mixed with warm
portable water in a bowl allow to stand for 10mins to extract the oil, aromatic
compounds and the milk. The extract will
be filtered through a muslin cloth to separate the milk from the insoluble
chaff to obtain a milk – white emuslsion with a sweet coconut flavour (Belewu, M.
A., Belewu, K.Y and Bamidele, R.A, 2010).
The milk will be stored at 5oC
Inside the refrigerator before use.
The method of Belewu and Abodunin
(2007) will be adopt. The preparation of
the tiger-nut milk will be done by picking out those foreign and bad nuts that
could affect the taste and keeping quality of the milk. The tiger-nut will be washed and rinsed with
portable water. One kg of tiger nut will
be conditioned over night in laities of portable water to soften the fiber. The total content will be blend several times
with a blender. The mash will be
filtered through a mush in cloth to separate the milk from the insoluble
chaff. It will further stain to obtain a
fine consistency and will be stored at 180c until use.
Various yogurt samples will be
prepared by combining two of the different milk source (3) together.
experimental treatment will be shown in table (3)
Table (3)
= 100% whole milk powder (control)
=100% tiger nut milk yogurt
= 100% tiger nut milk yogurt
=30% tiger nut milk + 70% coconut milk yogurt
=50% tiger nut milk + 50% coconut milk yogurt
=70% tiger nut milk 30% coconut milk yogurt
The method of Belewu et al; (2005) will be used.
The various milk sample mixture in table3 will be heated separately to a
temperature of 850c for 15mins, then cool rapidly to a temperature
of 430c. Each of the
treatment will be inoculated at this temperature with 2% of thou this starter
culture (streptococcus thermophillus and lactobacillus bulgaricus). After complete fermentation, 5g of sugar will
be added to each of the treatment. The
stored yogurt will be stored in the refrigerator until for analysis.
The pH value of the yogurt sample will
be measured in a 50ml beaker at a temperature of 2o.c using a
Digital flt meter (model 152k). TOTAL
The total titratable acidity of the yogurt
sample will be determined as described by Morris (1999). 10ml of yogurt sample
will be transferred to a proclaim dish with the aid of 10ml pipettle. The
pipettle will be rinsed with 10ml of water and the rinse will be added to the
dish 1ml of Phenolphthalein indicator solution will be added to the dish and
titrated with 0.IN sodium hydroxide (NaoH) solution until a pink colour will be
titretable acidity (% lactic acid)=
Titer value x molarityx 0.09 x 100
Volume of sample (ml) 1 TOTAL
The total solids will be determined by
(AOAC,1995) method. 4g of the sample
will be weighed into a metal dish and keep in a water bath for 30mins and
thereafter heated in an over at 1000c for 21/2
hours. The sample will be cooled in a
desicator for 30mins and weighed. The
sample will be reheated in the over for another one hour, cooled and
reweighed. This will be repeated until
weight loss between successive weighing become.
Negligible (<0.5g). the
percent total solids will be calculated from the formular:
= Final weight of yogurt sample- weight of dish x 100
Weight of sample 1
The total sugar (oBrix) will be determined
using Refractometer method. The
refractive index of the yogurt will be determined at 200c
Ash will be determined as described by
the AOAC,(1995) method. About 2.og of
the sample will be weighed into a crucible of known weight. Crucible and content will be dried in an oven
queenly until smoking cases and then at 5oooc to 5700c in
a muffle furnace for about five hours until a white or gray ash will be
gotten. Using a crucible tong, the
crucible will be transferred to a dessicator and allowed to cool. The crucible and the ash will be reweighed
(Wc). The percentage ash content will be
then calculated thus
Ash (90) =Wc – Wa x 100
Wb – Wa 1
Wa = weight of empty crucible
Wb = weight of sample with crucible before
= weight of sample with crucible after ashing
The fat
will be determined by the Werner Schmidt’s method as described by Pearson,
(1981). About 10g of the yogurt sample
will be weighed into an extraction tube and 10ml of concentrated HCL
added. The tube will be immersed in a
water bath until the casein content (protein) is dissolved.
fat will be extracted by shaking with 30ml of diethyl ether into a weighted
flask and 10ml of alcohol will be added to aid the separation in separating
funnel. The fat will be dried at 1000c,
cooled and weighted.
protein will be determined using kjeldahi
distillation method as described by AOAC, (1995) and a
conversion factor of 6.25.a protein of the sample containing up to 0.04m will
be weighed and transferred to Kjeldahi digestion flask. About 5ml of concentrated H2S04
will be added and catalysts which will include about 2.0g of potassium
sulphate, Na2S04 will be heated until the liquid becomes clear. A portion of the sample will be converted to
ammonic and also to ammonium sulphate (NH4 )2S04
during digestion.
The digest
will be diluted with distilled water and alkaline made using excess
concentrated (50%) sodium hydroxide up to 75ml.
ammonia will be distilled into 2% boric acid (50ml) and the condenser removed
as well as the delivery tube after washing into the receiver.
distillate will be titrated with 0.l N H2S04 to purplish- gray end
point. The percentage Nitrogen (%N) will
be calculated thus:

of sample in grams 1
% crude protein
= %N x 6.25
3/3/18 Moisture Content (Determination)
The moisture
content will be determined using the vacuum oven method. The moisture cans will
be washed and dried in the oven and weighed using analytical weighing balance.
Two grams of the sample will be put into previously weighed moisture can. The
sample in the moisture can will be put into the Oven at 7o0c for 2
hours. The sample will be removed and place in the desecrator to cool and
weighed. The sample will be reheated and cooled intermittently until content
mass swill be obtain. The difference in mass as percent moisture will be
calculated as the % moisture content. CARBOHYDRATE (CHO)
carbohydrate content o the yogurt will be determined by difference according to
AOAC (1995) as it will be given as carbohydrate by difference i.e the
percentage of moisture, protein, fat, and ash substrate from 100
(CHO (%) = [100 – (M.C + protein + fat + Ash)]
Where MC = moisture content.
3.4 Viscosity measurement
viscosity readings of each yogurt will be measured using a digital display
viscometer (model NDJ-85) taken at constant time intervals with progressively
increasing shear rate 96-60/mins). Viscosity values will be obtained by multiplying
viscosity readings with appropriate factor.
Flow curves
will be platted with the values obtained. Form equation3, log log plot of Uapp
against y, a straight line of slope (n-1) 3.5 SENSORY ANALYSIS
twenty-member, semi-trained panel will be used to evaluate the various sensory
parameters (flavour, appearance/colour, taste/sourness, texture/consistency and
overall acceptability). The score will be base on a hedonic scale range form 9
representing “like extremely” to1 representing “dislike extremely” (Iwe, 2002).
All data
will be subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) to determine any significant
difference at 5% level (LSD) using Iwe, (2002) method.
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