GIVERS FORUM is a community of givers, people who provide each other financial help on the principle of “Give, it shall be given unto you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over…” In GIVERS FORUM you don’t have to make contracts or pledge your property, there are no lenders and no debtors. Everything is very simple: one participant asks for help — another one helps.
The only thing that GIVERS FORUM demands from its participants is to be honest and kind to each other. You ask for financial help when you need it, you give financial help when you are able to do it.
There is no central account, where all the System money flows to (and where it can be easily stolen from). All the money is only in the bank accounts of the participants themselves! In a lot of thousand and million private accounts. Participants transfer to each other directly, without intermediaries! (What are they for? : HOUSING) In fact, GIVERS FORUM only regulates the process and makes available to members several affordable housing projects across the nation — nothing more.
Read this: Ultimate Cycler - Join Now and earn N50,000 instantly
Read this: Ultimate Cycler - Join Now and earn N50,000 instantly
So the System completely belongs to the people. No kidding! It is a real mutual aid fund where ordinary people help each other to fulfil one of the most important needs in life.
How it works. How does it work Technically?
- You become a member by registering FREE on our site
- You log into your account known as Personal Office with the login details you registered with.
- You declare the willingness to donate ("Provide Help"), after which your account will be rewarded with the same amount you pledged. Your money will start growing from the moment of offering the contribution at the rate of 10% per week with other bonuses (Calculation of reward occurs every day) This sum shows how much you can request for yourself after a week of making the pledge and paying out to the receiving participant.
- Say you have announced willingness to assist with N100,000. You will be rewarded in your Private Office with N100,000. And it will immediately start growing! A week later, this N100,000 will become N110,000 and in a month, it becomes N140,000. Accordingly, you will be able to request assistance for N110,000 in the first week, N120,000 in the 2nd week, N130,000 in the 3rd week and N140,000 in the 4th week. All after your pledge might have been transferred and confirmed.
- Request for providing help comes to you in your personal office. If you do not do it within 48 hours during the week and 96 hours on weekends, you will be removed from the system. (For ever and ever) and can’t register with the same name again.
- Please note that the use of the words 10% a week cannot be considered as a yield or interest rate since the funds were given away in goodwill, we are not earning anything anywhere (we are a mutual-aid fund), it’s purely a reward for taking a risk to help a fellow participant.
Apart from weekly 10% reward, here are other ways members get rewarded in Givers Forum
When registering in the system, you get a one time reward from N1,000 to N50,000 as a token of appreciation for stepping out to help humanity (Strictly for those who make pledges immediately).
- Donations from 20,000 earns a reward of 1,000
- Donations from 200,000 - earns a reward of 5,000
- Donations from 500,000 – earns a reward of 10,000
- Donations from 1,000,000 - earns a reward 20,000
- Donations from 2,000,000 - earns a reward 50,000
Inviting new members into the Community is your additional contribution to its development. But nobody force the members of the Community to invite new participants. But at the same time, understanding that the GIVERS FORUM can’t exist without people, these bonuses motivate members to take an active position and spread the good news with their contacts.
- 1st generation - 10%
- 2nd generation - 5%
- 3rd generation - 3%
- 4th generation - 1%
GIVERS FORUM is the Community where people trust and help one another. That’s why it uses a principle — “only one account for one person”. Each participant has to have own bank account. The absence of multiple accounts (when one person registers in the system several times) — is the key to dynamic and sustainable development of the Community in the future. The one who creates multiple accounts, and in this way tries to obtain additional, not provided in the rules bonuses — deceives their colleagues and friends, and in the end — themselves. Such frauds will be blocked once and for all and immediately expelled from our community! We need only honest people in the community who change the world for the better!
If you haven’t violated the rules but your account has been blocked, you should write to the Admin attaching the photo or scan of ID in order to confirm your identity. You might have been suspected of unfair participation and automatically blocked by the system. The Admin has effective tools to determine whether the accounts belong to the same person or to different people. If you only have one account and you follow these recommendations, you do not need to worry. In an extreme case, even if you have been blocked (temporarily), but you have followed all the recommendations — you will be able to confirm your identity, your account will be unlocked, and the growth of your contributions won’t be affected. That’s why you should play fair, keep calm! We’re on your side and God on our Side!
If you are a beginner and still haven’t understood all functions of your Personal Office (PO) you can ask your upline to help you with your account. Never share your PO email & password. But in any case you do not give anyone the password of your PO. You have to follow these recommendations for your own safety.
The Community members should understand that the GIVERS FORUM recommendations defend the interests of the participants in order to ensure steady work and stable payments. In GIVERS FORUM, money is redistributed among the Community members only. Being honest is the main priority for the Community because GIVERS FORUM was created not for getting richer but to make financial relations between people fairer so that many more people can own their own houses and at least live above POVERTY LINE.
Justice, kindness and honesty in the modern world are not a myth and fantasy any more, GIVERS FORUM has made them reality! TOGETHER we can change the world!!! Long live GIVERS FORUM! Long Live FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA!!!

How to Participate in Givers Forum
So, you decided to participate in GIVERS FORUM. How to do that? It is simple! Just go directly with this points.
- Register on the website
- Enter the Personal Office (PO).
- There will be two big buttons: “Provide Help” and “Get Help”.
- If you want to put your money, so click “Provide Help” and point the sum of money, you would like to put in the System. The minimal sum is N5,000.
- You will get in the same moment the amount in your Earnings, and they begin to grow with the rates of 10% per week.
- Then you will get the order with bank details of a participant that you must transfer the money.
- The order will also have the contact details of that man, so you can talk with him if you wish and make sure, that he is real and alive, same as You are.
- There is no central account in GIVERS FORUM, to collect all the money of participants (and from where they could be stolen easily). All the money transfers are made directly between participants.
- It means that everything is quite clear and honest. GIVERS FORUM plays just a role as some kind of a dispatch, which connect the participants.
- Transfer the money to that participant, upload evidence of payment. He confirms the receipt, and after that Your Earnings becomes “confirmed”. That's it! Now You can ask for help at any moment after one week.
- If you want to Get Help, click “Get Help” and point the sum.
- Another participant will get the order and he will transfer money to You, just as You did before. But don't forget to confirm the money received, after You get the money to Your bank account. (Not before! Beware of fraudsters!) .
- Please don't forget to send your testimonies to
- givers forum login
- history of givers forum
- givers forum registration
- caregivers discussion forum
- founder of givers forum
- givers forum nigeria
- caregiver support forum
- help givers nigeria
GIVERS FORUM is a People's Community. People who help each other for free, and absolutely consciously, they transfer money directly to each other, from one bank account to another, without any conditions, fear or stress. They do it because they want to do it, because it is a good deal to help each other.
It means the Mutual benefit fund as it is. There is no formal organization, no legal person in GIVERS FORUM. And of course there is no central bank account. There is nothing! There are only millions and millions of simple participants, simple private persons. And their bank accounts.
Thus, GIVERS FORUM is absolutely legal and does not break any laws. Because there are only money transfer between private persons and nothing more.
So everything is absolutely clear with the lawfulness. There are no violations and there won't be! . About honesty, It is important to underline, that GIVERS FORUM doesn't permit cheating or abuse of the system. In other words you cannot cheat and get away with it! Participate! Welcome to the System! Long Live GIVERS FORUM!