Various literature materials which are related to the topic of this study were reviewed. The review was done under the following sub headings: concept of teaching resource, various types of teaching resources for social studies, need use of social studies teaching resource, source/production of social studies teaching resources, effective utilization of teaching resources, factors considered in choosing social studies teaching aids and problems that are associated with social studies teaching aids.  

  Through the review it was discovered that instructional materials or teaching resources are the equipment used to make a lesson clear and more understandable to the students. Teaching resources used in the teaching-learning of social studies includes; blackboard, textbooks, diagram, picture, television, tape recorder etc. these teaching resource are very beneficial both to the teacher and the students. Teaching resource can be sourced from many places which include libraries, banks, museums, universities, etc and also by improvisation where there is no already made one or where the cost is beyond the capability of the school.

Effective utilization of the teaching resource depends on a number of factors. Including students interest in the object, ability of the teacher to explain it well to the students etc. in choosing the teaching resources to purchase or use by the teacher has to consider, among other things the cost and availability of that particular teaching material. The problems affecting these teaching resources are lack of storage facilities, complexity, among others.
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