A recent study that described Clinical and Laboratory features of infants with pneumonia demonstrated an elevated fatality rate in severely malnourished children compared to well-nourished infants [Chisti, M. J.; et al.,   2010]. A study examining the prevalence of respiratory infections to the prevalence f malnutrition in children under 5 years of age. Found that acute upper respiratory infections were most prevalent among children with acute malnutrition. However, lower respiration infections were most prevalent among children with either acute or chronic malnutrition. As most previous studies did not examine the effect of malnutrition acute upper and lower respiratory infections separately, these result provide additional information to this complex
area of study [Cunha, A. L. 2000].

          To identify potential differences in etiology of pneumonia between children with and without severe malnutrition, Chisti et al [Chisti, M. J.;  et al., 2009] conducted an excellent review study to quantify the degree by which moderate and severe degree of malnutrition, increases the mortality risk in pneumonia. They found that children wit pneumonia and moderate or severe malnutrition showed a higher mortality risk. For severe malnutrition, reported relative ranged from 29 to 121.2; odds ratios ranged from 2.5 to 5.1 for moderate malnutrition, relative risk ranged from 1.2 to 36.5. These results show a significant association between moderate severe malnutrition among children with pneumonia.

          Further more studies have demonstrated that pneumonia is more common among children with Marasmic-kwashiorkor than among other types of malnourishment [Adegbola, R. A.; et al., 1994]. Additionally, in children under the age  2 years, malnutrition is associated with a significant  increase ARi morbidity also, saves pneumonia is associated to increase the mortality rate [Tupasi, T. E.;  et al.,  1990], [Nantanda R.;  et al.,   2008]. In a study performed with severely malnourished children, the mortality in children with kwashiorkor was 13-4%. Mortality was 28% in children with Maramus and 48.3% in children with classified malnutrition. The main cases of death in children younger than 18 month of age were dehydration and pneumonia: in children from 19 to 60 month of age, it was pneumonia [WHO Clinical Management, 1981].

The data currently available suggest that the spectrum and frequency of causative agents of bacteria pneumonia is severely malnourished children may differ from that observed in children without severe malnutrition [Chisti, M. J.; et al., 2009].
          Streptococcus pneumonia and Haemophilus influenzae were the two microorganism isolated most frequently from the blood, lung or pleura fluid from well –nourished (33%) and malnourished children (11%) with pneumonia [Selwgn, BJ. 1990],[ Berman, S. 1991]. However according to Chisti et al [Chisti, M. J.; et al., 2009] Kelbsiella  spp and S. aureus were the most causative organism in severely malnourished children. These findings suggest that Klebsiella  spp and S. aureus  are probably the main bacterial causes of pneumonia in malnourished children. Additionally, pathogenic viruses have been isolated form malnourished children with pneumonia. Although mycobacterium tuberculosis detected in 18% of malnourished with pneumonia [Adegbola, R. A.; et al., 1997], the role of mycobacterium tuberculosis presenting as an acute lower respiratory infection in severely malnourished children has not been well studied.

          A perspective study of Staphylococcal lower respiratory infection in children aged 1-48 month reported that’s 68% of the cases were diagnosed as brochopneamonia. Of the 9.7% of parents in the study that died, they were all malnourished children who did not receive antibiotics prior to disease presentation. Further, they all exhibit bronchopneumonia and Staphylococcus aureus positive blood cultures [Aderele, W. I.; et al.,   1994]. In the absence of an organized and effective immune response, antibiotics alone are usually incapable of eradicating bacteria pathogens [Ambrus, J. L; Sr.; and Ambrus, J. L.; Jr.  2004]; therefore antibiotic only have slight effect on early mortality from bacteramia and sepsis due to Streptococus pneumoniea [Hedlund, J.  1995]. As we mentioned above, the innate immune response provides a first line of defense against infection. It has been eliminated that innate immune system provides protection against 98% of encountered pathogens [Jones, G. E.  2000]. The upper respiratory tract is the ecological niche for many bacterial species. S. Pneumoniae is part of the commensal flora of the upper respiratory tract, as mentioned above. Together with Haemophilus influenzae, Staphylococcis aureus, M. Catarr haus, and various hemolytic Streptococcu S, pneumoniae colonizes the nasopharyngeal tract [Paton, J. C.; et al., 1993].

          Effective respiratory tract host defense against pathogens depends on the interaction of types = specific antibodies, complement, and neutrophils or other phagocytic cell [Gordon, S. B.; et al.,   2000], [Gingles, N. A.; et al.,   2001]. If pathogens overcome these defenses and gain entry into the blood stream, systemic protection is mediated by anticapsular antibodies [Anttua, M.; et al.,   1999]. A reduced mucosal immune response might lead to persistent and recurrent colonization and subsequent infection, whereas and efficient local immune response to the pathogen eliminates colonization and prevents recolonization.
          The pneumococcal cell wall is highly immunogenic, it is the cause of the intense inflammatory reaction that a companies pneumococcal infection; It stimulates the influx of inflammatory cells activates the complement cascade and increases cytokine production [Brugn, M; et al., 1999]. In general, the mucas immune system develops faster than the systematic immune system and functions from the age of 6 months. IgG and secretory IgA antibodies directed against carular polysaccharides and surface-associated proteins have been observed in saliva of children under five years in response to colonization with S. pneumoniae [Bogard, D; et al., 2004].
          There is evidence that the susceptibility of malnourished children to respiratory infections caused by encapsulated bacteria is due to defects in the production of IgG antibodies. However, malnutrition produces a profound depression on acquired cell- mediated immune competence, where as humoral competence is less predictably affected. In contrast in a resent study examined the effect of under, nutrition on the humoral immune profile in children less than 60 months of age with pneumonia. The children were a united to hospital with moderate. Severe pneumonia, and under nutrition was associated with hypoabuminemia and reduced humoral Immune responses [Cripps, A. W.; et al.,   2008].

Immunoglobulin levels of malnourished children have been reported by various researchers to be comparable to well nourished children; however IgA level are decreased in Malnutrition [Reckly, V.; et al., 1976]. In addition, previous report show that the main percentage of TL 4-producing T-cells are increased in malnourished children; compared to well nourished children [Rodrguez, L.; et al., 2005].  Moreover, high levels of serum 12-4 have been found in malnourished children [Hagel, I.; et al.,   1995]. The high level of 1L-4 could contribute to the elevated level of serum immounoglobulin reported in malnourished children [Roddy, V.; et al.,  1976]. The secretory IgA is a principal component of the mucosal immune response that protects the upper respiratory track against infection with pathogenic organism; therefore the diminished IgA level observed in malnourished children may be responsible for diminished IgA level observed in malnourished children may be responsible for diminished immune responses against respiratory infections.

          In general acute bacterial infection such as such as Streptococcus pneumonia, are characterized by the predominance of neutrophus in the inflammatory reaction [Mizgerd, J. P.; et al., 1995].  Chemokines are likely to play a major role in this type of immune response. A significant reduction of phagocytic capabilities and diminished killing capabilities of neutrophils in malnourished children has been reported [Bhaskam, P.  1992], furthermore in malnourished patients a though there is a close-to-normal neutrophil chemitaxis and phagocytosis, minor defect in the generation of reactive oxygen intermediates and bacteria killing have been demonstrated [Keusch, G. I.; and Farthing, M.J. 1986]. Several investigators have demonstrated that malnutrition results in impaired macrophage phagocytosis, impaired superoxide a noon production and reduced cytokine production [Redmond, H.; et al.,   1995]. Moreover, malnutrition has been shown to cause retarded macrophage differentiation [Honda, Y.; et al.,   1995].   

          However, protection against bacterial respiratory infection is also mediated by opsonin-dependent phagocytosis. Antibody-initiated complement-dependent opsonization which activates the classic complement pathway is taught to be the main immune mechanism protecting the host against S. pneumonia infection [Paten, J. C.; et al., 1993]. In several studies, complement, were significantly lower in malnourished children [Olusic, O.;   et al.,   1986], [Magadees an, V.; and Reddy, V. 1975]. In particular, C3 and factor B were depressed in malnourished patient [Chandra, R. K.  1975] over all, complement production in response to infection and inflammation is inadequate in malnourish individuals [Ambrus, J. L.; Sr.; and Ambrus, J. L.; Jr, 2004]. These data suggest that a relative complement deficiency with decreased resistance to infections sexist in malnourished children.
          Malnourished mice infected with Streptococcus pnenumoniae exhibited more lung injuries, impaired leukocyte recruitment and reduced antibody and cytokines play an important role in the nutrition-infection complex   [Gonalez,C; et al.,1997 ] . According, an impairment of cytokine production has been reported in malnutrition [Gonzalez, C.; et al.,   1997] , [Grombie, R. 1990]

          Macrophages from protein malnourished animals produces less TNF- in response to infection [Black, R. E.; et al., 2003], [Moore, K.; et al., 1994]. Particularly, phagocytes in the respiratory tract of infected malnourished mice showed reduced TNF- production and activity compered to infected malnourished mice [Chan,j,; et al., 1997].In contrast, other studies have shown that TNF-  production by PBMC  from malnourished children did not differ compered to well nourished children.[Palacio,A,; et al.,2002].Consistent with this,IL-6 production in malnourished children was similar to a well nourished children. However, this result differ from those of luDohelty et al. [Dorherty,;J.F; et al.,  1994] who reported a diminished IL6  production in severely malnourished child
Incontrast,other studies found that IL6level were significantly increased in super-permanent of phytohemagglutinia(PHA)-stimulated culture from malnourished  children compered to well nourished children.[Malave, I.; et al., 1998], [Cedeholm,T,; et al., 1997].

In more more recent study from our laboratory [ Rodriguez,L; et al., 2005] ,Production of IL-2,IFN-Y,-IL-4 and IL-10)Were evaluated in CD4+ and CD8+T cells from malnourished children showed reduced IL-2 and  IFN-Y, production has also been observed in other studies[Chandra,R.K.1991], [Chamelers ,H.; et al.,  1998]
   An important increase in percentages of CD4+ and CD8+IL 10- expressing cell is evident in malnourished children [Rodriguez,L; et al., 2005]. IL-10, which  is produced by variety of cells including T lymphocytes, B lymphocytes, and monocytes has been identified as a cytokine with important anti-inflammatory and immune suppressive properties [Moore ,K; et al., 200I].IL-10 is a major cause of infective anti-pathogen immune response, as inhibits many of the individual steps in anti-microbial immunity[Moore, K,; et al.,2001]. Therefore, IL-10 may be an important immunosuppressive factor related to the impaired immune response observed in malnourished children.        

          Altered levels of the proinflammatory cytokines granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulatory factors (CM-SCF), IL-8 and IL-8 have been observed in culture supernatant of PBMCs isolated from malnourished children. Specifically GM-CSF levels were lower in malnourished children compared to well nourished children, while IL-8 and IL-6 levels were higher in malnourished children compared to well nourished children. These altered cytokine responses in PBMCs from malnourished children suggests severely impaired inflammatory responses [Abo-Shouma, S.; et al.,  2008].

          When malnourished mice were challenged with S. Pneumonia, lung colonization and bacteremia were significantly greater in malnourished mice. The malnourished mice showed diminished number of leukocyte and neutrophils in the blood and in bronchoaliveolar lavages. Although a moderate increases of leukocytes was observed after challenge with S. pneumoniae, there was a decrease of leukocytes on day 5 post-infection, must likely due to affected cells release from the bone marrow [Willenu, J.;  et al., 2009]. Reduce capacity of leucocytes to kill ingested microorganism and decreased ability and lymphocytes to replicate, coupled with lower concentrations of the cell responsible for cell-mediated for the immunity, result in higher morbidity due to infectious diseases [Deshmula, P. R.; et al.,  2009]. Another problem explanation for the reduced bacterial clearance and increased mortality observed in malnourished children with pneumonia is defected alveolar macrophage function.


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