Everything you are and everything you do depend on both your genes and your environment. Without your genes or without an adequate environment you would not exist. So far, no problem. The controversies arise when we discuss why people differ from one another in their intelligence weight gain, sexual orientation mood tendency toward alcoholism and so faith.

Prior to the work of Gregory Mendel, a late 19th century monk, scientists thought that inheritance was a blending process in which the properties of the sperm and the egg simply mixed, much as one might mix red and yellow paint.
    Mendel demonstrated that in heritance occurs through genes, units of heredity that maintain their structural identify from one generation to another.

As a ruler, genes come in pairs, because they are aligned along chromosomes (which is a strand of gene) which also come in pairs (as an exception to this rule, a males x and y chromosomes are unpaired having different genes).
Gene is a portion of a chromosome which is composed of double-strand chemical deoxyribonucleic acid DNA a stand of DNA serves as a template for the synthesis of ribonucleic acid (RWA) molecules. And one for belle eyes (recessive) will have brown eyes or he or she is a “carrier” for the blue-eye gene and can transmit it to a child for a behavioral example. The gene for ability to taste moderate concentration of phenylthoic carbonize (PTC) is dominant the gene for low sensitivity is recessive only someone with two recessive genes has trouble tasting it.

1. A child in this family has a twenty five percent chance of being homozygous for the dominant gene.
2. Twenty five percent chance of being homozygous for the recessive gene and fifty percent chance of being heterozygous.
3. Fifty percent chance of being a heterozygous taster
4. A chance of being a homozygous nonstarter. 

RNA is a single stand chemical one type of RNA molecules serves as a template for the synthesis of protein molecules.

Homozygous:-  An individual who has an identical pair of genes on the two chromosomes is homozygous for that gene.
Heterozygous:- An individual with an unmatched pair of genes is heterozygous for that gene. For example: gene for blue eye might be on one chromosome and a gene for brown eyes on the other.

Dominant Gene: A dominant gene shows a strong effect in either a homozygous or heterozygous condition
Recessive Gene A recessive gene shows its effect only in the homozygous condition.
For example some one with a gene for brown eyes (dominant)

The genes located on the sex chromosomes are known as sex-linked gene. All other chromosomes are autonomic genes.
In mammals the two sex chromosomes are designated X and Y: a female mammal has two X chromosomes, a male has an Y and a y. during reproduction the female necessarily contributes an X chromosome and the male contributes either an X a y. if he contributes an X, the offspring is female. If he contributes a y the offspring is male the Y chromosomes is small and carries few genes other than gene that causes the individual to develop as a male the X chromosomes however, carries many gene thus when biologists speak of a sex-linked genes they usually mean X linked genes.
An example of human sex-lined gene is the recessive gene for red-green color vision deficiency. Any man with this gene on his X chromosome has red-green color deficiency because he has no other X chromosomes. A woman however is color deficient only if she has that recessive gene on both of her X chromosomes. So for example if eight percent of human X chromosomes contain the gene for colour vision deficiency then eight percent of all men will be color deficient, but fewer than one percent of women will be.

Distinct from sex-linked genes. A sex limited gene is present in both sexes but has an effect limited or almost limited to one sex. For instance genes control the amount of chest hair in men. Breast size in woman, the amount of crowing in roosters, and the rate of egg production in hens. Both sexes have these gene but the genes become active only under the influence of sex hormones.

If reproduction always produced off spring that were exact copies of the parents, evolution would not occur one source of variation is recombination a new combination of genes, some from one parent and some from the other that yields characteristics not found in either parent. For example a mother with curly blonde hair and a father with straight black hair could have a child with curly black hair or straight blonde hair.
            A more powerful source of variation is mutation or change in a single gene. For instance, a gene for brown eyes might mutation of a given gene is a rare, random event: tat is the need of the organism do not guide it. A mutation is analogous to having an untrained person add, remove or distort something on the blue prints for your new house. Random changes are only rarely helpful but those rare events are critical for evolution.
            Most mutations produce recessive genes thus if you or one of your recent ancestors had a harmful mutation on one gene. Your children will not show its effects unless your mate has the same harmful gene for this reason. It is unwise to marry a close relative.

Most variations in behavior depend on the combined influence of many genes and environmental influences. You may occasionally hear someone ask about a behavior. Which is more important, heredity or environment. That question as stated is meaningless. No behavior can develop without both heredity and environment.
However we can rephrase it meaningfully do the observed differences among individuals depend more on differences in heredity or on if you sing better than I do the reason could be that you have different genes that you had better training or of course both.
In meaning the relative contribution of heredity researchers use the concept of hereditability, an estimate of how much of the variances in some characteristic within some population is due to different in heredity. Heritability ranges from 0 to 1. a heritability of 0 means that genetic differences account for none of the observed variation in some characteristic within the tested population. A heritability of 1 indicates that genetic differences account for all of the observed differences. Heritability is specific to the tested population it could be high in one population and low in another. For example in a community in which everyone is closely related any variation in their behaviors would be largely due to differences in their environments and therefore heritability would be low conversely if all the people in some other community have nearly identical environments, the heritability of their behaviors will be high.

When biologist speaks of a gene for brown eyes he does not mean that the gene directly produces brown eyes rather the gene produces a protein that alters body chemistry to make the eyes brown instead of an other color. If we speak of a gene for alcoholism we should not imagine that the gene itself produces alcoholism rather the gene produces a protein that under certain circumstances increases the probability of alcoholism. How a gene increases the probability of a given behavior is a complex issue.
However gene can affect behavior indirectly by changing other body characteristics. For example, a gene that increases a person’s height increases the probability of playing basketball “if he or she lives where people play basketball court is time not spent doing something else. The increased height gene probably decreases the time that the person spends playing the violin. The point is that genes that affect the body in any way also affect behavior and a gene that affects one behavior also influences other behaviors.

Investigators cannot control people’s mate choices and have only limited control over their environments some of the difficulties studying human lead to over estimated heritability Murray and Eaves 2001.
For example the closer we come to providing every one with the same environment the higher the heritability becomes “Tiny environmental differences will not produce much different in outcome. So the remaining differences have to reflect heredity” such is the case for adopted children. Adoption agencies try to place them all in high quality homes and therefore differences in their environments are generally small.
Further-more studies on humans seldom distinguished  between genetic and prenatal influences most monozygotic twins share a single chorion and therefore a single blood supply during prenatal life. Therefore monozygotic twins resemble one another more closely in prenatal environment as well as heredity the low 1Q criminal or mentally ill parents gave the children their genes but they also gave them their prenatal environment. Therefore what looks like a genetic effect could be wholly or partly an effect of prenatal environment.
Still another problem is that your genes not only affect you but also influence how other people treat you. For example good looking children get treated different from less attractive children. If your genes cause you to be even-tempered others react to you in a friendly way thereby improving your already calm disposition. If your genes lead you to frequent temper tantrums other people including your parent will react harshly giving you still further reason to feel hostile. Dickens and Flynn “2001”call this tendency a multiplier effect if genetic or prenatal influences produce even a small increase in some activity the early tendency will change the environment in a way that magnifies that tendency.  

A trait with high heritability can be modified by environmental interventions. For example, different genetic strains of mice behave difference in the elevated plus mare. Some stay almost entirely in the walled arms. Others venture onto the open arms. But even when different laboratories use the same genetic strains and nearly the same procedures strains that are adventure some in one laboratory are less active in another. Evidently, the effects of the genes depend on subtle differences in procedure, such as how the investigators handle the mice or may be even the investigators odors.
For example phenylketonuria is a form of mental retardation caused by a genetic inability to metabolize the amino acid phenylalanine. Because of the pku gene phenylalanine accumulates to toxic levels, impairing brain development and leaving children mentally retarded restless and irritable. Approximately one percent of Europeans carry a recessive gene for pku fewer Asians and still fewer Africans have the gen.
Ordinarily the heritability of pku would be virtually one. However physicians in many countries routinely measure the level of phenylalanine or its metabolites in babies blood or urine.

Every gene is subject to evolution by natural selection. Evolution is a change over generations in the frequencies of various genes in a population by this definition evolution includes any change in gene frequencies, regardless of whether it is helpful or harmful to the species in the long run.

Genes are neither all important nor irrelevant certain behaviors have a very high heritability such as ability to taste PTC many other behaviors are influenced by genes but also subject to strong influence by experience. Our genes and our evolution make it possible for us the flexibility to change our behavior as circumstances warrant. Understanding the genetics of human behavior is particularly important but also particularly difficult. Separating the roles of heredity and environment is always difficult. Especially so with humans because researchers have such limited control over environmental influences inferring human evolution is also difficult partly because we do not know enough about the lives of our ancient Caveman ancestors. Finally we should remember that the way things are is not necessarily the same as the way they should be for example. Even if our genes predispose people to be have in one way or another we still have great flexibility in acting on our predispositions.

Genes are chemical that maintain their integrity from one generation to the next and influence the development of the individual. A dominant gene affects development regardless of whether a person has pairs of the gene or only a single copy parcel. A recessive gene affects development only in the absence of the dominant gene.
Some behavioral differences demonstrate simple effects of dominant and recessive genes. More often however, behavioral variations reflect the combined influences of many genes and many environmental factors. Heritability is an estimate of the amount of variation that is due to genetic variation as opposed to environmental variation.
Researchers estimate heritability of a human condition by comparing monozygotic and dizygotic twins and by comparing adopted children to their biological and adoptive parents.
The results often overestimate human heritability for several reasons. First the environmental quality varies little for most adopted children. Second most of our results do not distinguish between the effects of genes and those of prenatal environment. Third, after genes produce an early increase in some behavioral tendency, that behavior may lead to a change in the environment that magnifies the tendency thus leading to what appears to be a huge effect of heredity.
The fact that some behavior shows high heritability for a given population does not necessarily indicate that it will show an equal heritability for a different population. It also does not deny the possibility that a change in the environment might significantly alter the behavioral out come.
Genes influence behavior directly by altering chemicals in the brain and also indirectly by affecting virtually any aspect of the body.
The process of evolution through natural selection is occur in genes and individuals with certain sets of genes reproduce more successfully than other do.
Evolution spreads the genes that are associated with the individuals who have reproduced the most. Therefore, if some characteristic is widespread within a population is reasonable to look for ways to which that characteristic is or has been adoptive. However we cannot take it for granted that all common behaviors are adoptive.

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