A pensioner may change his initial point of payment. Sub pensioner is required to submit an application to that effect at the beginning of a quarter and must indicate his new choice the passport photographs_and has identity card. This is effected by the pension accounts section.

Death Or Voluntary Retirement Before Age 45
Where an officer retired Voluntary and dies before age 45 his/her survivors or next_Kin_ could apply for payment of his/her pensions. The pensions which would be paid for 5 years could be paid lump-sum or over 5 years.

2.7 Fund control/Auditing
Fund managers to when the administration and disbursement of funds were entrusted are concerned with proper utilization of such funds. Funds that are released to fund managers may be for one purpose or another.

It is therefore the responsibility of fund managers to ensure that such funds are utilized for the purpose for which there are meant for term the record of service maintained in the central records. The balance of payment is then effected.

The option to be paid out side the state rest soley with the pensioner and this is indicated on the pension form. This is usually done Local government pension board and another.
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