Since the pensions are paid through the sub-treasuries seated within the state, the pension are requested to submit life certificate twice a year, six months from the date of placement on monthly pensions.

            It is new common practice that other pensioners should equally submit life certificate form as part of correct number of pensioners in the pay roll at a particular time.
Where a pensioner dies before the expiration of 5 years in retirement the beneficiaries or
survivors will be entitled to the balance of the unearned pension payment in made by submission of (i) an application to the effect (ii) stamped death certificate letter of administration, on receipt of the application, the recorded next of Kin is as contained.
            Name_________________ Mr. A
            Date of 1st appointment-------------1_1_79
            Date of Retirement-------------------1_8_94
            Calculation-----------------------------1_17_79 to 1_8
            _ 79--------1-----------1
this is 15 years 7 months and based on section 1 (2)b of Decree No. 102 of 1979, any period of service over six months should count as one year. Therefore Mr. A has sixteen years as his total.
The computation officer should be edge- eyed when going through files to ensure fairness and to effect deduction in the case any indebtedness to government.
2.6 payment of pension/ gratuity
            The payment of pension/ gratuity starts with the processing of pension documents in the pension office for the local government staff of the state. After computation, it is then sent to the office of the auditor general for local government-for auditing and extraction.
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