The study area is Anambra state of Nigeria.  It is located at the south east of Nigeria. It is made of twenty-one Local Government area which include; Aguata, Anambra East,  Anambra West, Anaocha, Awka North, Awka South, Ayamelum, Dunukofia, Ekwusigo, Idemili North, Ihiala, Njikoka, Nnewi-North, Nnewi South, Ogbaru, Onitsha North, Onitsha SOUTH, Orumba North, Orumba South and Oyi . It has a total population of 4, 182, 032 (N. P.C. 2006).
            The specific area in Anambra State that this research took place is at Ihiala Local Government Area. Ihiala Local Government Area’s one of the twenty-one (21) Local Government Area, which sprawls into various towns namely: Okija, Azia, Ihiala, Amorka, Iseke, Lili, Mbosi, Orsumoughu,
Ubuluisiuzor, Uli. With the headquarter situated at Ihiala which has some communities namely: Uzoakwa, Ogboro-isi-ala, Ihite, akwa, Okohia, Ubahekwem.


            Ihiala Local Government Area has a total population of 229, 638 (N. P.C. 2006). It has a total area of 304 square kilometers . Ihiala is a village north-east of Oguta and is located at latitude 050 510 north and longitude 060 520 east.
            The Local Government Area has boundary with Ekwusigo Local Government Area and Orlu of Imo state.  The Local Government Area has the climate that is relatively uniform as it influenced by two main trade winds.
            The south west wind and the north east wind. The trade winds give rise to the two distinct seasons. The rainy season which begins in April and last till October and the dry season occurs between November and March. Dry harmattan wind is experienced from December to February. There usually a very dry period in August popularly known as “August break”.
            The average monthly rainfall is 140mm- 160mm (ANADEP annual report, 1995).  The relative humidity of the study area fall within 60-80% (illoeje 1981). Mean temperature of 19.73oc and 30oc has been obtained in the state (ANADEP annual report, 1995). Obihara (1983) opined that the soil type of the six eastern states of Nigeria is deep, porous and sand loam with the clay content increasing as depth increases. Also pH is 5.0- 5.5 on the surface.
            Therefore, the soil type of Ihiala is sandy loam and clayey (Obihara, 1983).  The major products in the study area include;  food crops, palm produce, fish, livestock, starch, arts and crafts. Cash crops found in the area include: Mango (Magnifera indica), cashew (Anacendium occodentale), orange (Citrus spp) oil palm (Eleais guinensis) and Ogbono (Irvingia gabonesis).
            Cultivation of crops in the farm is based entirely on traditional methods with hoe and matchet as major farming tools.
            Consequently, the agricultural system mostly practiced at the area is mixed cropping system where farmers grow crops like; yam, maize, okra, cassava, pepper and melon, on the same piece of land for a particular season.
            Apart from mixed cropping, the other systems of farming practiced in the area are: shifting cultivation, crop rotation and mixed farming. In Nigeria, the practice of mixed cropping is adopted as a risk aversion strategy designed to arrest possibilities of crop failure and heavy loss of capital and labour inputs (Norman 1974, Nweke 1980 and Okorji 1986). Also mixed cropping is known to be more profitable than sole cropping and is assistants with farmer. Food security objectives (Abalu, 1976). Apart from these systems of cassava, yam and mixed cropping. women are mostly concerned and responsible for sowing and processing of other crops.
            Ihiala Local Government Area has some existing physical and social services such as two notable Government hospitals, 20 Government health centers and dispensaries, 14 Industries and 20 local government Wards.

            Entirely, primary and secondary data were used in this research. The primary data was collected from the farmers (respondent) and the secondary data was also collected from the textbooks, journals, magazines and newspapers.

            Primary and secondary data were used in this research.   Social and economic data was employed. Under social data: age, experience, education etc were considered. For economic data: income, expenses, profit, were considered.  

            Questionnaire was used to collect data from the farmers (respondent). 

            Hypothesis one, was tested using the Z-test to determine the level of profitability.
Hypothesis two was also tested using the F-test.

            A two-stage random sampling technique was adopted in the research. Stage one-the communities and stage two the respondents. Since cassava is produced virtually in all communities in Ihiala local Government Area. Four communities were randomly selected from each of the above mentioned communities, 20 cassava producers were randomly selected to give a total of 80 cassava producers for the study.

            Objective one, two, and five was analyzed using descriptive statistic such as mean, frequency distribution and percentage. Objective three was analyzed using gross margin analysis. While objective four was analyzed by the use of multiple regression analysis.
            Gross margin was used to determine the financial cost and returns of cassava. Again, gross margin was equally used to find out the profit margin of cassava production within the study areas. Gross margin is the summation of total revenue minus total variable cost. Thus, gross margin model is shown as follows:
GM = TR- TVC…………………………….1
GP = GM-TFC…………………………….2
Where GM = Gross Margin
               TR = Total Revenue
               TVC= Total Variable Cost
               TFC = Total Fixed Cost
               GP = Gross Profit
Z-test was employed to taste the profitability of the enterprise.
Z= X1-X2
      S d

S2 = Variance
X1 = Total Revenue (TR)
X2 = Total  Variable Cost (TVC)
X1 = Total Revenue (Mean)
X2 = Total Variable Cost (Mean)
N = Number of observation

Multiple Regression Analysis:
            Multiple regression analysis was to determine the relationship existing between the farmers socio-economic characteristic and there level of output obtained in the production processes.
            The functional forms are as follows:
Y = a0 + a1x1 + a2 x2 + a3 x3 + a4 x4 + a5 x5 + a6  x6 + a7 x7
Y = output valued in Naira
X1= Sex
X2= Farmers experience (in years)
X3= Level of education (in years)
X4 = Marital status
X5= Household size
X6= No of occupation
X7= Farm size 
Implicit Function:
Y = f(X1, X2, X3, X4, X5,X6, X7)+ et

Explicit Functions:
Linear= a0+b1x1i+ b2 x2i + b3x3i+ b4x4i + b5x5i + b6x6i + b7x7i + et ……………………………………………………………..1
Semi-log =  ao+ b1logx1i+ b2logx2i + b3logx3+ b4 logx4i + b5logx5i + b6logx6i + b7log x7i + et ………………………2
Double log = a0+ b1 logx1i +b2logx2i +b3 logx3i b4logx4i+ b5logx5i + b6logx6i + b7 logx7i + et…………………….3

The dependent variable (y) was an output, obtained from cassava production and was measured in kilogram (kg) and as well valued in naira. When the agricultural inputs such as; fertilizer, herbicides and improved varieties were adequately and effectively utilized, it will generate more output in cassava production.
            Sex (x1): This comprises male and female  gender. An increase in gender will in turn increases output in cassava production. b1>0
            Farmers experience (x2): This was measured in years. An increase in the years of farming experience will increase production of the farmer conversely; decrease farmers years of experience will definitely decrease output in cassava production. b2>0.
            Level of education (x3): This was measured in years and an increase in the level of education increases output in cassava production of the farmer b3>0.
            Martial status (x4): This comprises married and unmarried (single) farmers. Increase in martial status will definitely increase output in cassava production. b4>0.
            Household size (x5): This is the total number of people living in the household. Increase in the size of the household will increase production b5>0.
            Number of occupation (x6): This comprises various job opportunities such as farming, civil services, public services, and trading. When farmer tends to be engaged with job opportunities other than farming, the output tends to reduce. Thus, increase in the number of occupation will definitely decrease the output in cassava production. b6 <0
Farm size(x7): This was measured in hectare and increase in farm size will invariably increase output in cassava production.b7>0.
The a priori expectations were stated as follows: b1>0,b2>0,b3>0,b4>0,b5>0,b6<0,b7>0.Thus,b1,b2,b3,b4, b5, and b7 are greater than zero, proving that, there is a positive relationship with the dependent variable. While b6 is lesser than zero, also implies that, there lies an inverse relationship between b6 and the dependent variable. 

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