Cassava traditionally had been a
staple food in most parts of the country, with expanding acceptability. Cassava
production in Nigeria suffered a severe set back in the 1970’s and early 1980’s
due to epidemic of cassava Mosaic Disease (CMD), cassava Mealy Bug (CMB) and
cassava Green Mite (CGM). Government put in place programme to combat these
diseases and pests through the introduction of new resistant and high- yielding
varieties, as well as bio-control measures yet, the prevalent causes of disease
out break has not been totally
eradicated causing a great havoc to our economy.
In 1982, Nigeria
ranked sixth in the world production with an output of 6.8 million metric tones
(Philip, 1997). Through the Cassava Multiplication Programme (1986-1996).
Nigeria’s production of cassava increased form 12.4 million tones in1986 to 33
million tones in 1996, an
increase of more than 300%. This attests to the
favourable conditions and almost limitless elasticity of production in Nigerian
cassava sector. From the foregoing, We can state that, the most serious factor
inhibiting cassava production is the limited industrial application of cassava.
This is traceable to the absence of primary processing industrial units.
In view of the
above, some pertinent questions may be asked. Thus, what are the sources of
input for cassava producers in Ihiala L.G.A? Given the farmer circumstance in
Ihiala, what is the level of investment and output? Is cassava production in
Ihiala profitable and what is the level of profit? What are the marketing
outlets available to Ihiala cassava farmers? What are the prospects and
problems of cassava product in Ihiala L.G.A?
It is therefore, possible to conclude that the major
problem that prompted this research is that, it is not known whether cassava
production is profitable and technically efficient in Ihiala L.G.A.