1. Parietal and occipital bone are joined
by ______________
2. _______fontanel is rectangular in shape
3. _______fontanel
are located at the junction of coronal and lateral sutures
4. _______teeth
are last four molars.
5. Pubic
symphysis, vagina and ______make up birth canal
6. Adult
with 32 teeth cannot be less than _________
7. _______separates
buttock and thigh
8. 5th
lumber vertebra and sacrum form ________internally.
9. Semi-circular
canal of inner ear and _____maintains balance and posture in human being.
10. Hymen
can be elastic, normal and ______
11. Accommodation
of eyes is done by ________
12. Lack of
parat hormone causes________
13. Plasma
of blood carries food and __________
14. _____covers
glans of penis in male neonates
15. Sperm
are stored in _________
16. Oestrogen
hormone controls _________
17. ______connects
overy to uterus
18. Unity
of nervous activity is _________
19. The
biggest lymphatic system is __________
20. _______never
moves the tongue
21. False
ribs are ________in number
22. ________
is the longest cranial nerve
23. ________carries
sperm from testes to seminal vesicle
24. Cartilage
connects ribs to ___________
25. Clevicle
is connects to sternal end of _________
26. ________make
linea alla dark
27. Iris
controls the _______of eyes
28. Vertical
and ________lines meeting at navel divide the abdomen into four quadrants.
29. Laporatomy
is best done through ________
30. ________
lies in the middle of the femoral triangle
31. Mouth
contains teeth, tongue and ________
32. ________
of womb is a deciduous membrane which changes every month
33. Stone
can be formed in gallbladder, urinary bladder and ________
34. ________
absorbed food in small intestine
35. Stomach
and ________ are acidic
36. Pulmonary
artery carries ________ blood
37. Closure
of pyloris sphinta causes ________ in neonate
38. ________
lobe of brain controls coordination of movement
39. Tonsil
gland, lymphnodes and ________ aid body immunity
40. ________
gland has no duct
41. ________
nerve detect smell
42. Spinal
nerve are ________ pairs
43. Brain
controls the body biochemically through ________
44. Brain
controls the body electrically through ________
45. Hormone
without name is produce by ________
46. ________
surround vaginal opening in the vaginal vestibule
47. Breast
or ________ secrete milk for the feeding of infant.
48. Seeing
what does not exist is called ________
49. Cataract
means ________
50. Inflammation
of retina is called ________
51. Inflammation
of middle ear is ________
52. Facial
and ________ nerves has additional nerves
53. ________
and ________ are doer glands
54. Cranial
nerve are ________ in number
55. ________
gland feed hair follicles
56. ________
causes acromegaly in adults
57. Low
catabolism causes ________
58. The
biggest salivary gland is ________
59. Digestion
of food in the mouth is done under ________ medium
60. Excess
of acidic content in the stomach causes ________
61. ________
nerves moves the jaws
62. Vagina
of neo-nate females is covered with ________
63. The
unity of gaseous exchange in the lungs is ________
64. Mouth
and ________ are alkaline
65. Blood
in pulmonary vein is ________
66. ________
starts at right hypochonadrion and ends in left hypochondrion.
67. Biceps
brachia muscle covers ________ of arms.
68. ________
covers tip of penis in a neo-nate male
69. ________
matter and periosteum of skull are fused together
70. Head of
femur fits into ________
71. Calcanus
is in the ________ of foot
72. ________
consist root, body and nipple
73. ________
transmit vibration of perilymph to endolymph
74. ________
separate the two buttocks
75. ________
bone form dead joint
76. ________
hormone is for conversion of glycogen into glucose
77. ________
bone formed wrist joint
78. Hemi-azygos
and ________ veins passes through diaphragm
79. ________
produces oestrogen and progesterone
80. Penis
of man and ________ of woman are erectile
81. Gluteal
muscles are ________ in number
82. ________
goes to the muscles, skin, tissue and organs of the body except the head
83. ________
is the 7th pair of cranial nerve
84. Lymphatic
system has no pump and ________
85. ________
enters the skull and supplies the brain blood
86. All acteries
carries pure blood expect ________
87. The
obstruction of lymphatic drainage causes ________
88. ________
artery supplies small intestine and large intestine blood
89. Lack of
vasopressin hormone causes ________
90. GTH
means ________
91. The
tiny region between the suculs is called ________
92. The
occipital lobe of brain specialize in ________
93. Loss of
feeling is called ________
94. ________
makes man to be superior than animal
95. The
blood from right auricle pass into right ventricle through ________
96. The
inflammation of heart is ________
97. True
ribs are __________in number
98. Appendix
vermiformix, overy and tube is found in ________ region
99. ________
organ is found in the 5th region.
100. ACTH
means _________