According to (Bums, 2000:105) employees have certain wants that the organization is expected to supply and on the other hand, the organization has certain types of behaviors that it wishes to elicit from the employees. He further stressed that the managerial responsibility for eliciting these behaviors is usually term “direct” or “motivation”. He sees motivation as a skill aligning employees and organization interests so that behaviour result in achievement of employees and organization interests
so that behaviors result in achievement of employees’ wants simultaneously with attainment of organization objectives.

Good managers study their subordinates to   know what can motivate them to be motivated for increased job performance. And this is not an easy task to achieve in organization. One of the manager’s most important jobs is to influence the motivation of others in the direction of achieving organizational objectives in an effective and efficient manner (Higins, 1991:423). To be  able to  do this, the manager must understand the individual work motivation and utilize his or her knowledge of individual motivation  to turn the subordinate effort to satisfy personal needs into enhancing organizational performance.
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