This chapter has reviewed studies related to the relationship between organizational culture and organizational performance. To facilitate a sound grasp of the subject mater within the thought frame work of the objective of the study and the research questions, the scope of the review covers conceptual and theoretical frame work, the concept of culture, performance and motivating employees for effective performance.

The review of literature showed that culture is meant to indicate the level of sophistication of individual or organization doing thing in the right way. It is understood that every individual organization has their own culture which might be quite different from other organization. Culture can be said to be possessed by a particular organizations or individual while others lack it. It was understood that culture is made up of norms and values. Also culture is not inborn but it is learned.

In an organization, culture serves as a guide line, direction which helps the management to reach the stipulate objectives or goals in the organization. Performance, this lead to high productivity, which in turn leads to growth and success of an organization. It understood that the ability of an organizations to accomplish activities will lead to achieving the desired goal.  Individual performance is multiple because it comprises the following viz: individual attribute, work effort and organization support.

The extent of which management of the organization is able to inculcate the culture of an organization will go a long way increasing the performance level in the organization. The statement tells us that there is a relationship between organizational culture and organizational performance.

Motivation of the employees bring about commitment on the part the employees. If an employee is well motivated he will have no option than to perform his duty creditably to the satisfaction of his employer hence achieving the set goal of the organization.

Finally, materials both financial and physical if made available cannot combine itself in production process; rather it is the responsibility of the management to allocate these resources rationally to achieve the objectives of the organization. 
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