Sample size of hundred (100) participants were used for the study. They were
from J.C udeagbala holdings company Aba Abia
state. The researcher adopted simple randomized sampling technique in selecting
the participants.
ages of these participants ranged from 20 years and above, the mean age of the
participants is 28.9
instrument for data collection were mainly questionnaires which contained two
sections. Section. A contains four items measuring demographic variables of
interest such as gender, age marital status and years of experiences.
B contained three different instruments/ scale measuring the variables
contained in the research work. The first scale measures perceived
organizational support with eight (8) items. The second scale measures job
involvement and it has twenty (20) items while the last scale measures leadership
style which contains forty eight (48) items. The three scales adopted by the
researcher in section B were all developed by other researchers. The items were
arranged in a four (4) point continum of likert format with the exception of
the instrument which measures leadership style.
four continum likert format ranges from
SA = Strongly agree (1)
A =
Agree (2)
= Disagree (3)
SD = Strongly disagree (4)
The last scale in section B
measures leadership
Style and the items were arranged
in a five (5) point continum of likert format ranging from.
= Never (O)
= Seldom (1)
= Occasionally (2)
= Often (3)
= Always (4)
validity of the measuring instruments has been established by the original
developer of the instruments.
the job involvement (JI) scale, mogaji (1997) provided the properties for
Nigerian samples. In establishing the validity of this scale, concurrent validity was obtained by
correlating JI scale with the scales of job Descriptive index and obtained the
following correlation coefficients.
JDI Nigerian samples
Work .23
Pay .09
Promotion .09
Supervision .09
Coworkers .11
the second instrument which measures leadership style, Ejimofor (1987)
correlated supervisory behavior description questionnaire (SBDQ) with job and
organizational commitment questionnaire to
obtain the following coefficient of concurrent validity.
(A) Democratic .142
(B) Autocratic .336
(C) Overall SBDQ .428
the third instrument which measures perceived organizational support, Robbert
Eisenberger cor-related POS scale with overall job satisfaction (OJS) scale and
obtained .168. to clearify doubts, face validity was established through the
expert judgment of the project supervisor and head of psychology department
Madonna University.
The reliability of
the measuring instruments has also been established by their developers. For
job involvement (JI) scale lodahl and
kejner (1965) obtained spear man
–Brown internal reliability coefficients of
.72 and .08 for females and males respectively. The coefficient of test retest
reliability obtained in an interval of 27days is .90.
the second instrument which measures leadership style the reliability
coefficient reported by fleishman (1953) for a sample of eighteen (18)
subordinates using spear man
Brown formular was .98 for democratic
and .78 for autocratic. using test-retest reliability in an interval of
eleven (11) months he obtained .87 for
democratic and .75 for autocratic.
For the third
instrument which measures organizational support the researcher used test
–retest reliability in interval of two weeks and obtained .89 reliability
coefficient and using crombach alpha, coefficient alpha of .90 was obtained.
The researcher
personally administered the questionnaire to the participants. They were asked
to respond to the questionnaire by carefully reading the instructions and
marking or ticking a good (v) sign in the appropriate box provided for each
statement. A period of five (5) working days was given for completion and
return of the completed questionnaire. A total of 100 questionnaires were
distributed, but only 86 copies were collected back while 10 copies were
discarded due to the fact that some participants supplied. Multiple answers and
some vital questions were skipped. Finally, a total of 76 copies of the
questionnaire were eventually analyzed.
Section A measures demographic variables of interest e.g age, gender, marital
status, years of experience.
B Contained three (3) different parts, the first part of the instrument
measures organizational support with eight (8) items, the second part measure
job involvement with twenty items. The items of these questionnaire were
arranged in a four (4) point continum of likert format ranging from.
SA = Strongly
agree (1)
A = Agree
D = Disagree
SD = Strongly
disagree (4)
Last part of the instrument in this section B measures Leadership style and the
items were arranged in a five (5) point continum of likert format ranging from
Never = O
= 1
Occasionally =
Often = 3
Always = 4
first two parts that were arranged in four point continum of likert format were
assigned score value of 1-4 for strongly agree to strongly disagree respectively.
For the last part of the instrument which measures leadership style, the items
were arranged in a five (5) point continum of likert format, and was assigned
score of 0-4 for never to always. The score of the items of the scale were
summed up to obtain a total score for each of the participants.
study is a cross –sectional survey research. cross- sectional survey research
is used because the research topic is aimed at assessing the influence of
employees perceived organizational support (POS) and leadership style on job
involvement and there was no manipulation of the variables.
independent variables of this research has two levels each, for perceived
organizational support we have supportive organization and non supportive
organization and for the second
independent variable which is leadership style, we have democratic leadership
style and autocratic leadership style. This means that the design for this
research is 2x2 factorial design. The researcher employed 2x2 ANOVA in testing
the three hypotheses stated in the study.