Please tick (√ ) where necessary
  1.       Village of the respondent ………………………………………………………
2.         Martial Status: (a) Single          (b) Married     (c) Widowed  (d) Divorced      (e) Separated
3.         Sex (a) Male       (b) Female
4.         What is your age?...........................
5.         Occupation……………………………….
 6.        How many are your household members?......................
7.         Education attainment:
(a) F.S.L.C      (b)S.S.C.E        (c)NCE/OND    
 (d) HND /B.Sc       (e) Higher Degree
8.         For how long have you been in farming? …………………

9.         What type of farming system do you practice in your farming?......................
            a)         Mono cropping
            b)         Mixed cropping
            c)         Backyard system
            d)         Mixed farming

10.       By which of the following ways did you acquire your farm land?
(a)                Inheritance     (b)Gift     (c) Lease      (d) outright purchase
(e)                Rented 
11.              What is the size of your farm in hectares?....................
12.              What is the cost of land used for cassava (Naira)?...........
13a.     How many days were used for land clearing (Man days)?....
b.         How much did you spent for land clearing (Naira)?.............
14a      How many days were used of cultivation (Man days)?.........
b.         How many people did the cultivation?...............................
c.         How much did you spent for cultivation (Naira)?.................
15a.     How many people were used for planting the cassava cuttings in your farm?................
b.         How many days did you use for planting the cassava cultivars in your farm?.......... and how much did you spent?...........
c.         What was the cost of the cutting (Naira)?.....................
16.       What is the average amount that you paid each worker for weeding (Naira)?.................
17.       How many people did the weeding?......................
18.       What type fertilizer did you apply to your farm?..............
19.       How many men applied fertilizer to your farm?................
20.       What is the cost of the fertilizer used (Naira)?................
21.       What is the cost of the fertilizer transportation (Naira)?.......
22.       What is the cost of  feeding the labourers?..................
 23.      What is the cost of harvesting per hectare?.................
24.       How many days were used for the harvesting of your cassava tubers?............. and how many people did the job?..................
25.       What is the total quantity of cassava tuber harvested per hectare?..............
26.       What quantity was consumed?...........................
27.       What are the implement used in your farm?
a)         Cutlass     (b) Hoe       (c)        Barrow          (d) Basket
e)         Machines (tractor)       (f)        Cars
g)         Others      ……………………………………
28.       What are your farm bi-products?.........................
29.       What are the final farm product e.g. garri, fufu, tapioca, glue, starch, wine, among others?...............
30.       What are the farm machineries, equipment and implements used in your farm?.................
31.       What is the source of water for the farm? (a) Rainfall only (b) Irrigation
32        What type of disease and pest are prevalent in the area?....
33.       Do you have an urge to expand your cassava farm?...........
34.       How did you obtain your initial capital?
a)         Government assistance
b)         Savings
c)         Co-operative
d)         Loan
e)         Others      …………………………………..
35.       Do you keep records of your farm activities? (a)Yes (b) No

36.       What are the problems militating against cassava production in your farm and the area?
a)         Lack of loans
b)         Inadequate farmland
c)         Inadequate of transportation
d)         Scarcity of cassava cultivars
e)         Inadequate of labor supply
f)         Poor extension services
g)         Unavailability of fertilizer 
h)         Pest and Diseases
37.       Do you have some solution by way of suggestion to some of these problems identified (a) Yes     (b) No
38.       How many times did extension agents visit your farm?………….
39.       What are the benefits derivable from cassava production in your community?......................................................
40.       Will you advice other farmers in your area to go into cassava production (a) Yes       (b) No
41        Do you enjoy government assistance in any form? (a) Yes    (b) No 


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