Yahoo Publisher Network
Google AdSense Program and Yahoo Publisher Network (YPN) are the principal Ads network and the trendiest PPC (pay-per-click) programs. Any publisher who is running a website/blog and desire to make money through business and educational promotion by displaying ads on their websites/blog, should search no more because we are sure that that publisher landed on this page by search for the difference between Google and Yahoo Ads.

Nevertheless, the most fascinating question every webmaster asks is; “which Ad program is the best and which of the two pays higher profit?” Truly speaking, this is a difficult question to answer because every day comes with a new unexpected innovation. As at the time of writing this article, Google AdSense is rated as the most inexhaustible and market-leading PPC affiliate program in terms of affiliate base. But Yahoo is not far behind the line as it has its own benefits too which is mouth-watering.

You should read our previous post below for better explanations.

Remember, our team here at MARTINS LIBARRAY are discussing this question very clearly; Google AdSense or Yahoo Publisher Network (YPN), which is better?

Google Adsense Program
Based on investigation, Google AdSense provides better CTR (click-through-rate) which means whenever a person visits your website, greater are the chances of generating clicks from the visitor. The more people visit and click the Ads, the more money the advertisers will pay to the website owner. This is the long and short explanation for Google Adsense Program

You should read our previous post below for better explanations.

There is a reason for that statement above; Google Ads are more content specific and target audience better than Yahoo Ads do. However on the other hand, Yahoo provides a better CPC (cost-per-click) than Google AdSense. CPC is nothing but the percentage of commission the affiliate programs pays per click. From our experience and research, we have come to find out that Yahoo pays more than Google for a single click. Google typically pays around 30%-40% whereas Yahoo pays 60%-70% for a click. Yea, it a bitter truth we found out as at the time of writing this piece of tips for ads revenue.

Owing to the above diverse features, a webmaster/publisher should decide which ads to display on their websites/blog. If your web page is good enough to attract substantial number of visitors per month, there won’t be much of a difference between the revenue paid by Google and Yahoo, though experts say that Google can attract more number of visitors due to better content target ads. Most people regularly switch between Google AdSense and Yahoo publisher ads to check which program generates better revenue for their websites. It is highly recommended.

Note: If you have successfully applied and got approved for both Google AdSense and Yahoo publisher affiliate accounts, we would personally suggest that you display Google ads on a set of websites and Yahoo ads on another set of websites. It’s better to display Google ads on specific content oriented sites and Yahoo ads on non-content oriented sites such as entertainment sites. Users browsing non-content oriented site such as an entertainment site are more likely to click on a variety of Ads as opposed to a content visitor who is more likely to click on related topic. Since Yahoo ads are less relevant as compared to Google ads, displaying them on professional content oriented sites would not be a better idea.

You can register Yahoo Publisher here: YAHOO PUBLISHER SIGNUP

You can signup for Google Adsense here: GOOGLE ADSENSE SIGNUP


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