The West African Examinations Council (WAEC) introduced the Offline Registration Package for schools that have PCs but are not on the Internet. This service is also put in place for schools without PCs who could be assisted by Cyber Café or Business Centers with computers and scanners/digital camera.
This will enable the schools to capture registration details of their candidates and passport photographs, save the information on a CD-ROM or Flash RAM for uploading at WAEC Zonal/Branch Office in charge of their State. Each school will be given a CD-ROM containing the offline registration program, offline and online packages user manuals and other WAEC Online Registration information.

1.1       Requirements
To use the Offline Registration Module of the WAEC E-Registration system the following are required:
·        A Pentium IV PC with at least 1GB RAM, 20GB Hard Disk, USB Port, etc.
·        Flatbed Scanner
·        Flash RAM or CD-Writer
·        Windows XP or later Version

1.2       Installing WAEC Offline Registration System
The following steps to install the WAEC Offline Registration Package on your PC:
1.2.1   Fresh Installation (First Time on a PC)
·        Mount the CD-ROM given to your school at the commencement of registration for May/June examination for each year. Please do not use the CD for the previous year’s registration. It will not work for the Current Registration (May/June). There are new features added.
·        On insertion of the CD, it will auto-run the setup, otherwise Browse for “Setup.exe” in “OfflineSetup” Folder on the CD
·        You can change the destination folder for the Offline Registration to the desired location on your PC. For example,  C:\Offline Registration System”
·        Select Everyone at the prompting of the installation to install the program for every user of the PC if you so desire
·        Click Next to continue installation
·        Click Close to exit at the end of the installation
·        Launch the application by double clicking on the “WAEC May-June Offline Registration” icon created by the installation on your desktop.

1.2.2   Re-Installation (There is an Existing “Offline Registration” Program on the PC)

A.        I Do Not Want To Loose My Data
If you already have data entered into your Offline Registration on your PC and you do not want to loose the data, please do not do a total re-installation of the application. Please follow the following instruction:
·        Mount the CD-ROM given to your school at the commencement of registration for May/June examination for each year. Please do not use the CD for the previous year’s registration.
·        Browse the CD to locate the file named “Offline.exe”
·        Copy the file named “Offline.exe” to the “Offline Registration System” folder on your local PC
·        Launch the application by double clicking on the “WAEC May-June Offline Registration” icon created by the installation on your desktop.

B.        I Want to Start All Over
·        Un-install the client application (Management Module) if already installed using the Control Panel Add/Remove Program
·        Then follow the procedure for fresh installation in section 1.2.1 above

·        Double click on “Index.html” in the root folder of the CD
·        Click on “Open e-Learning” menu
·        Navigate through the solution

The following are the procedure for offline registration of candidates:
Ø  Read the User Manual and be careful to observe the General Rules
Ø  Login to the system
Ø  Enter the School Information
Ø  Passport Photo Resize/Validation
Ø  Registration of Candidates
Ø  Viewing & Editing of Candidate’s Information
Ø  Biometrics (Optional)
Ø  Entering of Candidates’ SS3 Continuous Assessment Scores
Ø  Viewing & Editing of Candidates’ SS3 Continuous Assessment Scores
Ø  Printing of Reports
Ø  Parameter Setting
Ø  Update Centres
Ø  Changing Password
Ø  Adding New User
Ø  Backup of Data for Online Registration

2.1       General Rules
1.      Do not use the Previous Year’s CD or Program to register your candidates. You will not be able to upload the data to WAEC database. Use the current Year CD for your registration.
2.      Before the authorized person or the Exam officer starts registering candidates, he must first of all enter all required information about the school. This could be done by clicking on the Data Entry Menu and Selecting School Info.
3.      The Total length of surname, first name and other names must not be more than 25.
4.      A candidate must register for at least 8 subjects.
5.      Candidate’s passport photo scanned or taken with digital camera in Jpeg format must be attached to each candidate registration. The size of the passport photo in JPEG format must not be more than 15Kb (Fifteen Kilobytes)

2.2       How to Logon to the System
Double Click on the icon named “WAEC May-June Offline Registration” on your desktop to run the WAEC Offline Registration Package installed on your system. The installation procedure is as described in section 1.2 above.
Principal/Examination Officers who may want to use the offline registration module must have an account in the system. He/she must be an authorized user of this system. Please see section 10 on adding new user. However, to login for the first time, an account with the following information has been created on the system:
Account Name: PRINCIPAL
Password: school

On login in for the first time, you are advised to change the password of this account. Please see section 9.0 on changing password.
You may decide to allow the system to remember your Login info if you are sure it’s on secured system, otherwise allow supplying of this information before gaining access into the system.
You may decide to use this account for all your entries or create a new one. The system will always require you to supply a username and password to login.

2.3       School Information
Before the authorized person or the Exam officer starts registering candidates, he must first of all enter all information about the school. This could be done by clicking on the Registration Menu and Selecting School Registration.

2.4       Registration of Candidates
The following are the steps the examination officer will take to register candidates:
·        Click on the “Registration” menu and Select “Candidate Registration” and then “Entry Registration”
·         This menu will allow you to enter candidates’ details and SSS I & II continuous assessment scores (CAS). CAS for SSS I & II must be entered compulsorily with the entry.
·        The Center Number and the School Name will be displayed
·        Each Candidate’s personal details such as Surname, First Name, Date of Birth, Sex, subjects and SSS I & II CAS must be entered. The candidate’s passport photograph in JPEG format and not more than 15Kb in size must also be captured. See how to capture and validate candidate’s passport photograph in Section 2.11.

2.4.1   How to Select Subjects for Candidate
·        The approved subjects for the examination are displayed in the Available Subject List Box
·        English Language and Mathematics have been pre-selected
·        To select the remaining subjects for a candidate, double click on the subject in the Subject List 
      Select the subject in the “Available Subject” list and click on “>>” icon.

Note: that a candidate is expected to register for at least 8 subjects.
To deselect already Selected Subject do the following:
·        To deselect a selected subject, double click on the subject in the Selected List
       Select the subject on the Selected List and click on “<<” icon

2.4.2   Attaching Candidate’s Passport Photo
To attach a candidate’s passport photo do the following:
·        Click the “Attach Image” by the “passport photo box” to locate the candidate’s passport photo
·        Locate the folder where the passport photo is stored
·        Click on the on the candidate’s  passport photo
·        Click “Open” to attach the candidate’s passport photograph to the corresponding candidate’s registration.

Please see how to scan and validate the Passport Photos in section 2.12

2.4.3   Candidate’s Affirmation
Click on the “Confirm Entries Ok?” checkbox to affirm that all the entries including the attached passport photograph are correct.
Note: That when the checkbox is clicked, a mark “√” sign appears in the checkbox and this affirms that all entries are correct. You WILL NOT be able to submit this entry unless you click the affirmation checkbox.

2.4.4   To Submit Registration
·        Be sure that the all registration information for the candidates are correct
·        Click the Submit Button to register the candidate and save candidate’s registration information.

2.5       Viewing & Editing of Candidate’s Information
·        Click on “Enquiry” menu to view all registered candidates in the school
·        Click the row containing the record of any candidate to view the picture at the right hand corner of the screen

·        Click the row containing the record and click “View and Edit” to see a full view and/or Edit the candidate information

·        If any Modification is done, the Affirmation checkbox must clicked to affirm that entries made are correct and the Submit Button must be clicked to save record if any changes have been made

            This option allows you to add biometric data of candidates including fingerprint. Click on biometrics from the “candidate information” submenu. Connect a fingerprint scanner to the computer, select a candidate from the list of registered candidates, and click on “start capture” to scan the fingerprint of that person.

       2.6            Deleting Candidate’s Entry
·        Click on “Enquiry” menu to view all registered candidates in the school
·        Click the row containing the record of any candidate to view the picture at the right hand corner of the screen
·        Clicking on “Drop” to delete the record

2.7             Printing Report of Registered Candidates
·        Click on “Report” menu and then “View Report” menu to call the Print option form. The detail or list of the entries can be Previewed or sent directly to the printer.
·        Select “Registered Candidates”, then select Extract
·        Use the left and right arrow on the Print Preview Toolbar to navigate the pages of the report
·        Click the Printer icon at the side of the Print Preview Toolbar to print the report
You can also list the registered candidates in alphabetical order of name by selecting “List of candidates

To view the summary of registered subject, select the “subject summary” and click on “extract”.

2.8       Setting the Examination Period
Click on the “Administration” menu and selecting “Preferences” submenu
2.8             Utilities
This submenu has three options, which include, “backup database”, “restore database” and “initialize database”. Click on backup database if you want to backup the entire database, subsequently this database can be restored and that is achieved by clicking on the restore database option. The initialize database will re-start entries afresh.

2.9             Update Centre File
If you discover that your school is not in the list of schools on the Offline software, please download the current centres.dbf from the www.waeconline.org.ng website. From the software, go to Update Centres under Administration menu. Locate the downloaded file to update the centre file on the software.

2.10         Adding New User
To add a new user to the system Click Administration Menu and select Add User submenu
In adding new user the following must be done;
·        A unique User Id must be entered.
·        The User Name must be entered…This could be the name of the user.
·        Password must be entered twice, both in “Enter password” textbox and “Confirm password” textbox, and it must be the same password.
·        Save Button must be clicked to add the new User to the database

2.10    Change Password
We recommend that you change the default Password that comes with the system as soon as you login for the first time. To change your Password you are required to follow the following steps:
·        At the logon screen check “Change Password” box
·        Enter your current Password
·        Enter your New Password
·        Re-enter your new Password for confirmation
·        Click Save

2.10    Backup of Data for Online Registration
The registered candidates can be backed up unto any external storage device or folder on your PC by clicking the “Administration” menu and Selecting “Backup”
The system allows you to backup all candidates, range or selected entries from the school by selecting on the appropriate menu. You can also backup entries with CAS or SSS III CAS only by also selecting the appropriate menu. You only require the “CAS Only” backup when you want to backup the SSS III CAS.

Note: In backing up the database, the correct location to be backed up to must be selected

The application also allows you to backup up for more than one number of schools instead of one school at a time. Click on “range of schools” option from the backup submenu. Select the range of schools; you can also select the “select all” option to select all the schools. You can also backup entries with CAS or SSS III CAS only by also selecting the appropriate menu.

Restore from backup:
This option lets you restore a database of a centre that has already been backed up previously. Click on “restore from backup” from the administration menu, browse for the folder where the database was backed up, then click “ok”
2.11    Getting the Passport Photo in Electronic Format
·        Scan the actual passport photograph of the candidate using a flatbed scanner or Take a passport photograph of the candidate with a digital camera
·        The passport photo should be black and white, 35mm x 40mm in size with contrasting background
·        The passport photograph must be clear and the candidate’s face must NOT be obstructed in any way by items like glasses, sun glasses, head gear, etc
·        The standard is JPEG in 275x314 Pixels with 72dpi resolution. This will give you a physical size between 7Kb and 15Kb JPEG image
·        Store the picture in JPEG format using candidate’s name
Note: You may wish to scan the entire passport photo for all your candidates before you begin to enter the registration details.

2.12    Validating the Passport Photo
Launch and Login to the “Offline Registration” software

2.12.1 Validate All Passport Photos in a Folder:
·        Click on “Registration” menu and select “Validate Picture
·        Click on “Multiple” to check all the passport photos in a folder
·        Click on “Browse” to select the folder where the passport photos are stored
·        Click on “Validate
The system will display a list of the invalid passport photos for you to take note and resize.

2.12.2 Validate Individual Passport Photo
·        Click on “Registration” menu and select “Validate Picture
·        Click on “One” to check all the passport photos in a folder
·        Click on “Browse” to select the folder where the passport photo is and then select the particular photo to be validated
·        Click on “Validate
·        The system will display information on the status of the photo (valid or not valid).
·        Click on the ‘x” to exit

2.12.3 Resizing Passport Photo to Specification (New!)
·        Click on “Registration” menu and select “Validate Picture
·        Click on “Resize Image(s)” tab
·        If you do not want to keep backup of the original Image(s), uncheck the “Backup Original Image Files” check box
·        Click on “Browse Folder” to select the folder where the passport photographs are and then Click on “Process” to process the Images to the required specification.
·        Click on the ‘Close” to exit

3.0       CONCLUSION
We do hope users will find this manual very useful in for the May/June WASSCE registration exercise. Please follow the instructions carefully. If you notice anything we could do to enhance this software for the good of all users, please contact us immediately. Have a pleasant registration.