The followings the discussion of the finding on the study based on research questions.

Research Question 1
Which sought to know why guidance and counseling was included in every school curriculum. The responses to this item indicated that 5 (100%) representing the five principals strongly agreed to the fact these was absolute need for guidance and counseling in secondary schools, as such it was a clear reason that it should be included in every secondary school timetable.

Another reason was seen from the teachers responses to item 8 which also showed 8 (50%) of the teachers strongly agreed that counselors can help student solve their problem through counseling.
In the same vein students responses to item 16 showed that 60 (66.7%) of the  the students strongly agreed to the fact that guidance and counseling service as a tool for development.
The responses to item 7 indicated that 4 (80%) of the principals in table 111 above strongly agreed that counselors can assist individual to discover his talent and make right choice of his career and this lead to the acknowledge of the importance of guidance and counseling.
The teacher responses to item 7 indicated that 4 (80%) of the principals in table 111 above strongly agreed that counselors can assist an individual to  discover his talent and make right choice of his career and this lead to the acknowledge of the importance of guidance and counseling.
In question 11 the researchers sought to know if the ministry of education in the state was giving adequate support to guidance and counseling services in secondary school.
The principals response to item 10 in table 111 above showed that 3 (60%) of the principals agreed that the ministry of education to the state does not support guidance and counseling programmes in secondary schools.
The teachers responses to item 13 in table II above showed that 6 (37.5%) of the teacher strongly disagreed  with the statement that government encourage guidance and counseling by supply sufficient material and personnel. This is also indicated the inability of the government to support programme.
Another reason was seen from the students responses to item 14 in table 1 above, which indicated that 60 (66.6%) of the students agreed that the state ministry of education doesn’t provide the necessary materials for guidance and counseling programme.
Research question 4 was designed to find out whether students are awre of the importance of guidance and counseling for their future career.
The responses to item  4 of table II above showed that ( 100%) representing all the five principals strongly disagreed with the statement that says there was no need for guidance and counseling win their schools, which showed that there was absolute need fro guidance and counseling.
Responses to item 4 in table II above shows that 9 (56.3%) of the teachers strongly disagreed with the statement that guidance and counseling was not neceassry in secondary schools. That means there is the need for it due to acknowledge its importance.
The responses to item 7 in table I above also revealed that 51 (56.7%) of the student strongly agreed that counselors can help reduce delinquency among student this indicated that there was an element of awareness of the importance of guidance and counseling on the part of the students.
Therefore the following were the major finding of this research:
i.                 Based on the findings through the responses, guidance and counseling have not been included, in most of the secondary school’s timetable.
ii.                The methods and techniques used by career masters in giving guidance and counseling service were inadequate.
iii.                Guidance and counseling services in secondary schools have not been given proper attention by the ministry of education.
It has been investigated and confirmed that, most of the student and staff have realized the importance of guidance and counseling programme only that these was no proper implementation
i.                The Federal government through the state ministry of education should give adequate support to guidance and counseling programme in all institutions of learning.
ii.                Guidance and counseling programme should involve expert in the field since is a programme that aimed at assisting individuals to be self directing in taking decision in heir future life.
iii.                Adequate material relevant to guidance and counseling services e provided by the government to enhance the effectiveness of the programme.
iv.                Guidance and counseling should be included in post primary schools curriculum at the state and national levels.
v.                Guidance and counseling personnel should be given more incentives  as to make them more committed to their duties through punctuality, creating awareness  on the importance of guidance and counseling to student.
vi.                In order to supplement the task of guidance and counseling personnel, more teachers should be encourage to study guidance and counseling through in – service programme.

In conclusion, guidance and counseling service in school have not been accorded the attention its deserves. The impact of these services have not been profoundly brought to bear on the student academic and vocational pursuits, beside there are few counselors in some schools while in some cases there were none.Guidance and counseling is an essential services to the attainment of the overall educational objectives in a school.. Therefore, there is need for the rapid introduction of these service in secondary school, especially with the introduction of 6-3-3-4 system of education in the country.

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