Nigeria is the leading producer of cassava, in 1993 – 1995, 84 million metric tons of cassava were produced per year in sub-Saharan Africa. Of this, 75% was produced in 4 countries; Nigeria, 31 million metric tons representing 36.90%, Congo 19 million metric tons (22.62%), Tanzania, 7 million metric tons (8.33%), Ghana, 6 million metric tons, (7.14%). In the same period, 95% of production after (discounting waste) was used for human consumption. According to FAO the remaining 5% was used for feed, industrial raw material and export was minimal (CIAT, 2000). Recently out of 186 million metric ton produced in the world, Nigeria accounted for 36 million metric tons (Tell, 2004) and in 2004 production was 55.69 million metric tons (CBN, 2004). This shows a slow rate in the past compared to the present times in production but more
need to be done.
          Kormawa (2003) presented what can be referred to as “middle of the road” estimate of potential demand for cassava (tons) in Nigeria. These estimates are presented in Table 1.

Table 1: Estimate of Potential/Demand for Cassava (in what tones ?) in Nigeria Sector                                                 Potential/ Market
Food for urban market                               14,157,438
Food for rural market                                 4,378,788
Food for export                                          1,825,000
Food as flour                                              1,170,055
Livestock                                                    675,000
Starch                                                         335,000
Ethanol                                                       139,347
Total                                                          22,680,628
Source: Kormawa, 2003
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