Feeds should be given to fish at least twice daily (i.e. Morning and evening) between 8-9am and 4.30 respectively.
There are several artificially formulated feeds sold in market but for maximum output one need to formulate his/her own fish feed. For a quality local sinking fish feed formulation that has the same crude protein with the forign feed contact CHRIS FARM NIGERIA OR  KINGSWAY AGRO SERVICES OR PURCHASE OUR E-BOOK ON FLOATING LOCAL FISH FEED AND SINKING LOCAL FISH FEED. For maximum output you need an expert advice on how to go about this. The sizes of feed to offer the fish per time is outlined below.

(A) 1.2-5mm size of feed should be given to fingerlings within the first 3 weeks.
(B) Then 2mm sizes should be fed for one month.
(C) Again 3mm size should be given to the fish of 21/2 months to 4 months.
(D) Feed 4.5mm for 4-5 months and then 6-8mm to fish of 5 months upwards. Within this period you can sell the fish.

Always maintain good water level of about 0.8m.
Do not dump wastes, dung or fertilizer into your fish tanks.
Any time the water appears too greenish that when you insert your palm in it, if you cannot see your fingers reduce the water by half and fill up with water.
Ensure you aerate your tanks regularly.
Always watch your fish when they are feeding, to know how they fare.

This should be done by draining the water in the tank to a volume where fish can be scooped with hand nets or seives.
 For help and consultancy call 07030722911
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