Milling degree
The degree of milling is a measure of the percentage bran removed from the brown whole rice kernel.  Milling  degree  affects  milling recovery and influences the colours and also the cooking behavior of rice, absorbes water poorly and does not cook as quickly as milled rice Luh et al, (1987)

Head Rice

Head rice or head percentage is the weight of head grain or whole kernel, in the rice lot. Head rice normally includes broken kernel that are 75-80% of the kernel, high head rice yield is one of the most important criteria for the measuring milled rice quality. In general harvesting, drying and milling can be responsible for some loses and damages to the grain Luh et al, (1987).


This is a process where by milled rice kernel is opaque rather than translucent, it is often characterized as chalky. chalkiness disappears upon cooking and has no effect or aroma, however it downgrade milled rice. Excessive chalkiness is caused by interruption during the final stage of grain filling, (www. Knowledgebark Irri og.)
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