Policy formulation refers to the development of proposed courses of action for dealing with public problems.

Existing studies of the policy process in several countries show that policy making is a complex exercise which involves a large number of actors Lindblom (quoted in Richardson and Baldwin, 1976:127).

For instance, distinguishes between “proximate” policy makers, and more remote policy makers and policy influencers. By “proximate” policy makers he refers to those who have legal authority to make public policies.

Remote policy makers and policy influencers refer to persons, or group of persons, not within the orbit of the “proximate” policy makers, who influence and determine the1 content of public polices.

This distinction of makers of public1 policies by Lindblom according to Okoye (1986:20) is very useful because, it goes beyond the parochial approach of associating policy-making with government departments alone, and further shows that a web of relationship exists between policy makers in government departments and those outside these departments but who in different ways influence policy making exercise to their advantage.