This is a common law principle which says that a person has no remedy or cannot blame some one else for the harm done to him if he has expressly or impliedly consented to suffer the actual harm inflicted or if he has consented to run the risk of it. Thus a boxer could not sue as a result of broken jaw suffered in the ring. To understand the principle very well, the person must both   appreciate the nature of the   risk thus no body should be blamed rather he killed himself by himself.  To further analyze the principle, the case of Smith V Baker (1891) 8CH.d PT 306 at
481. In that case, P who worked in a quarry site was injured when a stone fell from a crane and injured him when he sued his employer, the employer pleaded defense for volenti  and they were able to show that P knew  of the  risk of working in a quarry site. The court held that the principle applies see also ICI V shout well (1965) Jesus knew that he was coming to die yet he did nothing   to avert it rather he went ahead to foretell it  just as it is recovered in Matt. 16:21 023, Mark  9:30-32 , Mark 10:32-34
However, according to John 10vs 17-18 which says
: For this reason I lay down my life so that I may take it again. No one has the right to take it away from me but I lay it down on my own initiative. I have authority to take it up. This commandment I received from my father”. From the above portion of the Bible it shows that he being a God has an authority that is superior over any creature, that no one can be able to take His life away from him. Not only did God the father “ send” His own son to earth for the purpose of dying for our sins But Jesus Christ himself maybe viewed as giving Himself for us and our sins. “ He gave Himself for us” Titus 2: 14, 14 Eph5:2 and “ He gave himself as a ransom for all”. (I timothy 2:6) in the Garden Jesus prayed the father “ my father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me: yet not as I will but as your will Matt: 26:39.  He later expressed absolute submission to the father’s will.
Note: That in John 10:10, he said that “ I and my father are one”. Which means that he was aware of that will of great act of self-sacrifice. He also said in the verse 42 “ father if this cannot pass away unless I drink it, your will be done. The death of Christ was not an unexpected event but he came for the express purpose of dying. He declared, “ The son of man (Jesus) did not come to be served but to serve, and to give his life for the purpose of dying”. Even when Judas came with the mob of soldiers, sent by the high priest, Jesus indicated that he could easily be rescued from been captured.
Further, it will not be out of place to say that Jesus killed himself because he had knowledge of his death and did nothing to avert it, this can be seen in Mathew 16:21 from that time forth, Jesus began to show unto his disciples, that he must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and the scribes and be killed. Also Matt 20:19 shows that Jesus had a right to life but refused it by allowing mans will to be manifested in his.  He wishfully handed Himself over to the men who had come to arrest him by putting back the ear of Malclus which Peter smote off. That notwithstanding He  (Jesus) was given an opportunity to defend himself before the king and the high priest Calaphas when he asked Jesus “are you the king of the Jews” he decided to keep silent which   means he was given a fair hearing but he decided to deny himself that by not saying things. From the above chapters, it is clear that Jesus killed himself. And in this context Judas had no power over Jesus, the Jewish leader didn’t either nor did Pilate the governor   for he said to Pilate “you would have no power or authority over me, unless it had been given to you from above”
Conclusively, it is true that Pilate sinned in passing the death sentence on Jesus it is true that Jewish leader were also guilty, also it is equally true that Judas were quilt of greater sin than the Pilate, Jewish authority the holy spirit etc by betraying his master. But the death itself in its very essence was a choice, a voluntary choice of self scarifies by Christ Jesus Himself. Therefore we humble submit here that Jesus himself was responsible for his own death.    
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