There are a number of different sins against the grace of God mentioned in the Scriptures.
1. Setting Aside the Grace of God (Galatians 2:21)
This is teaching that efforts to adhere to moral laws are all that is required for us to please God. It is a denial of our need for God's partnership in our transformation.
This is teaching that efforts to adhere to moral laws are all that is required for us to please God. It is a denial of our need for God's partnership in our transformation.
2. Receiving God's grace in vain (2 Corinthians 6:1)
This implies it is possible to actually receive God's grace, and yet fail to take hold of it and flow with it in such a way as to allow any good fruit to result.
3. Turning the Grace of God into Lasciviousness (Jude 4)
This is teaching that we can sin sexually, live to please our flesh or commit other sins and somehow the grace of God makes it so that we are still right with God while we go on like this.
4. Falling from Grace (Galatians 5:4)
This is to reject Christ after you have known Him, and turn back either to a system of rule-keeping and self effort, or to slide into sinful and rebellious ways, hardening the heart to God.
5. Falling Short of the Grace of God (Hebrews 12:15)
This is to fail to come up to the mark God has enabled you to attain by His grace.
6. Insulting the Spirit of Grace (Hebrews 10:29)
This is to speak against God, His ways, His system of salvation through the cross and the Holy Spirit.
7. Turning Aside from Grace (not continuing in it)
This is to get our eyes off God and go after other things.