Examination malpractice is now a recent phenomenon, nor is it peculiar to one examination body alone, so it cuts across ton the whole educational system from primary to territory levels. If we consider all cases of Examination malpractice, which occurred over the years with our school system and in Examination conducted by such bodies as joint Admission and Matriculation Board, National Teachers Institute and other professional bodies, it could be concluded that Examination malpractice are common daily occurrence. Isemede (1987) indicates that
Examination malpractices institute one of the biggest problems facing the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board. Ojikuku (1987) expressed her disappointment at the way University students contravene examination regulations. She claimed that, the more regulations were foughened, the more sophisticated the students became at devising means to beat them.

Omotoso (1980) in her own contribution declares that examination malpractice do not constitutes a new phenomenon in Nigeria as the senior Cambridge Local Examination leaked in 1914, that is thirty four (34) years before West African Examination Council was established. She lamented the disheatering wave of malpractice sweeping across the entire educational system. Eminent scholars, Muslim (1991) has said, examination malpractice are a product of a society that nurtures cheats. But it is not in the school system only that cheating has become a favourite pasture. The prevalence of, credit card fraud, bank fraud, manipulation and contract fraud is a manifestation of a deeper disease with which many Nigerian shave been affected.

According to God’s view and standard, which supercedes man’s opinion and suggestion, the Holy Bible new international version (1984) says in (11: 1, 20: 10) the Lord hates cheating but delight in honesty. A false balance is an abomination to the Lord, but a just weight is his delight. From the Bible verse, we can understand that examination malpractice is a form of cheating which brings a false success and it is an abomination to God because it is a sin and God hates it. Therefore only righteousness and honesty which brings true success is his delights. Examination malpractice is any action done or committed which makes it impossible to use an examination in determining the level of competence of a candidate in absorbing, reproducing and where appropriate, Applying knowledge, professor A. E  Afigbo. Examination malpractice is any act of wring doing or neglect that contravenes the rules of acceptable practice before, during and after an examination by anybody in any way, DR. U. D Ahmed.

Shim said Examination malpractice is like a  plague, only success attained honest and conscientious effort guarantees internal satisfaction, everlasting joy and future progress which success attained dishonesty and crooked means eventually lead to disgrace and failure, it .col. D.A. Akintode not to have any certificate at all than to brandiah one obtained fraudulently through examination malpractice.

The Federal government had in the past instituted Judicial commission, of enquiring or tribunal to look into the cases and prevaction of examination leakage with a view to making recommendation to the government, Alexander Tribunal of (1967) Sogbetum tribunal of (1999) are easily best remembered. The recommendation of the tribunals had geared the government in passing acts of legislation, for example Degree number 27 of (1973) and miscellaneous offences decree of (1984) which spells out punishment for committing examination malpractice.

Similarly, the west Africa Examination Council imposed punishment on erring candidates to serve as deterrent to others such as, handing-over offends to law enforcement agents for prosecution especially in leakage and impersonation cases or where acts of hooliganism has been committed by candidates, cancellation of candidate’s result or barring such candidate from taking WAEC for a period of time, de-recognizing schools were mass cheating occurs as WAEC centers and reporting erring examination, supervisors or invigilators to their employers for disciplinary actions and blacklisting them in future exercise etc. 

Social vices on primary and secondary schools in Ebonyi state by Rev.Father John Odey was of the view that state of moral decaderence perpetuated by a number of social vices in our present day society is considered to have reached a high proportional stage. These social have spilled over to our institutions of learning with their diversting effects on us as a people. The vices which in the opinion of the paper have both remote and immediate causes which if not drastically deck mated will not only bulconize the society as it has started doing but will cause a greater harm in it future.

The entire social set up, the teachers employed in government schools had linked the ugly situation to government schools take-over of schools from churches problems among others, were identified as part of the vices. As a way of the bog, teachers should be promptly paid. Employment of teachers should be based on merit, employ teachers via examination put an end to examination malpractice, put an end to secret Cultism. Some course lecturers across the country’s institution have been found one way or another to collaborate with students to perpetrate examination fraud ranging from leakage of question papers to answering and inflating marks for students for either cash or sex rewarding. For example, principal in one, of the secondary schools in Nigeria was alleged to have answered in his own handwriting part of some questions for a female student. A disciplinary committee, which was set up to investigate the matter unanimously found him guilly. 

In another school, in 1988, three teachers were punished seriously because of malpractices with regard to the conciliation of examination results and yet in another, a committee set up to investigate examination fraud discovered that the students paid between two hundred to five hundred naira to obtain examination peppers from teachers, Newswatch (July 1991).
            From the review of the past, examination malpractice active can be seen as ‘idode’, I mean a prejudice of some kind which is a hindrance to an objective, put in another way, whatever prevents learners from pursuing educational objectives in life distorts their sense of value. Since every hour ushers in new experiences, time should be carefully watched to ensure that whatever the hour brings should be handled according to the demand of the hours.]
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