From the evidence abound, I discovered the following factors as the causes of examination malpractice
i.                    Employment of unqualified teachers
Teaching profession is professionalized in theory, not in practice. This is because unqualified and untrained teachers are always being employed into teaching field. For instance a person who majored in agricultural science, who suppose to work in ministry of agriculture to boss to food
production is employed into teaching field. This type of teacher professionalize in agricultural science not in teaching field.
ii.                 Lack of regular payment to teachers
lack of prompt payment to teachers makes them to collaborate or involve themselves into examination malpractice as a way to alleviate their financial predicaments, since students will pay some money for question papers during examination.
iii.               Government takes over of schools.
Ever since the government took-over of school from churches and private individuals, it has got large ministries to take-over of what today in Nigeria is government owned property, public owned things in terms of proper care. As a result of these, there is lack of properly equipped libraries, teaching materials and qualified teachers to handle them. Infact, the list of the evils wrought on our society by the encourage of certificating unqualified, un-knowledgeable and incompetent people to hold positions of responsibility in all facts of our nations life is a contributing factor by the government to examination malpractice.
iv. Nigerian native of paper qualification or quest for materialism.
The quest for materialism or paper qualification in Nigeria has contributed in no small measure to skyrocket the rate of examination malpractice.
In Nigeria today, what matters is did you clear your papers”. Not how did you get it? In such condition, every Dick and Tom wants to pass, no matter the means.
iv.               Bad Company
The Bible says that he who walks the wise grows wiser but a companion of fools suffers. A student always imitates what other students do. They are no more hard-working and in order to avoid failure engage in examination malpractice.
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