(1) Terrestrial /land biomes
(2) Aquatic biomes (including
freshwater biomes and marine biomes).
classification schemes:-
(1) Anthropogenic biomes
(2) Earth floor Biomes
(3) Ecology biomes
Anthropogenic biomes: These are also known as anthromes, human
biomes represent the global ecological patterns created by sustained direct
human interactions with ecosystems. Anthrodpogenic biomes (Anthomes) offer a
new way to understand one living planet by describing the way humans have
reshaped its ecological patterns and processes. This system of anthome classes
is divided into 6 groups.
1. Urban
2. Rangelands
3. Villages
4. Forest
5. Wild lands
6. Croplands
Ecozones: An ecozones is
a certain geographical place that has certain weather characteristics. Ecozone is an area of the earth surface that
represents a large ecological zone and has characteristic landforms and
climate. Each ecozone is distinguished from others by its unique plants, wildly
climate landforms, and human activities. They are also regions that are based
on their ecological characters. These ecological characters will include the
way that geological, landform, soil, vegetative, climate, water, wildlife, and
human factors are connected to each other. Each ecozone may have been treated
for different reasons than the other. An ecozone is the broadest biogeographic
division of the earth’s land surface, based on distributional patterns of
terrestrial organisms. Ecozones delineate large areas of the earths surface
within which organisms shall been evolving in ratite Isolation over long period
of time, separated from one another by geographic features, such as oceans
broad deserts, or high mountain ranges, that constitute barriers to migration.
As such, ecozone designations are used to indicate general groupings of
organisms based on their shared biogeography. Ecozones are characterized by the
evolutionary history of the organisms they contain. They are distinct from
biomes, also known as major habitat types which are divisions of the earth’s
surface based on life form or the adaptation of plants and animals to climatic,
soil and other conditions. The patterns of plant and animal distribution in the
world’s ecozones were shaped by process of plate tectonics which has distributed the
world’s land masses after geological history. Ecozones
are useful because it allows people to bring together all the different
environmental and human factors in each unique region.
Ecoregion: A large area
that includes generally similar ecosystems and that has similar types,
qualities and quantities of environmental resources is known as an ecoregion.
Purpose of ecological land classification is to provide information of
ecosystems and ecosystem components. Federal agencies, state agencies and
nongovernmental organizations responsible for different types of resources
within the same area use this information to estimate ecosystem productivity,
to determine probable responses to land management practices and other
ecosystem disturbances and to address environmental issues over large forest
diseases or threats to biodiversity.
the mid 1905, the National inter-agency technical team (NITT) was formed to
develop a common frame work of ecological regions for the nation. The intention
is that the frame work will foster an ecological understanding of the land scape,
rather than an understanding based on a single resources single discipline, or
single agency perspective. Ecoregions reflect broad ecological patterns
occurring on the land scape. In general, each ecoregion has a distinctive
composition and pattern of plant and animal speeches distribution. Abiotic
factors such as climate, land form, soil and hydrology are important in the
development of ecosystems and thus help define ecoregions. Within an individual
ecorigions, the ecological relationships between species and their physical
environment are essentially similar. Ecoregions used in as a frame work for
assessing the distribution and status of species and ecosystems makes
biological sense, compared to using politically derived lines like country,
state or national boundaries. Ecoregions also provide an ecological basis for
partitioning the state into subunits for conservation planning purposes.