The outcrop is part of the younger granite called Mada younger granite complex and it is located few km away from the second location and it is still along Akwanga –Lafia road. The younger granite complex ranges from volcanic to granodiorite of different composition.

        Some are biotite granite while some are firelight granite.
        However, the whole complexes are circular which control intrusion of ring dykes. The mineral compositions are quartz, feldspar and biotite that are equigranular because the grin size is almost equally with the following trends strike N224o – N44o.
        Thickness 8cm – 10cm, Aphite dyke is also seen within the location with thickness of 48cm.
        Using the global positioning system equipment, the position of the location is;
        Latitude           08o431 58.9511N
        Longitude         08o 321 4611 E
        Elevation         269m
The trends of joints are as follows
        N275o - N95o, N102o - N293o
            N353o - N175o, N345o - N167o
        Other features here are aggregates of feldspar which are use for construction work but they are not good for construction work because they are made up of feldspar and feldspar can-easily be washed or affected by weathering agent.
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