Types of Instructional Resources for Education

Instructional materials or resources are available from many sources. Modern education faces lost of problems. The attempts at solving these problems, which involve the use of, organized combination utilization of people, materials facilities, equipment and procedures to achieve the desired instructional materials, instructional media and educational media virtually mean the same thing. They all involve media materials derived from communication revolution, which can be used to promote teaching learning process.


     According to Agy Okogbuo (2000) instructional materials could be classified into:
1.     Visual material-such as picture, diagrams buildings, projectors, teachers themselves (s) chart, real objects (realia) studies etc. these materials such as books, newspapers journals, magazines, pamphlets, handout or NTI modules were also involved.
2.     Audio materials – such as tape recording cassette, cartridge, radio, dice, teleture, teleconferencing, language laboratories, teachers voice. They appeal to the sense of hearing.
3.     Audio-visual materials which include the television, video recording motion pictures with sound tracks, slide and films trips projection with sound tapes, films and multimedia. They appeal to both sense of hearing and sight.
4.     Materials/software include graphic materials, printed materials, slide, filmstrips, overhead transparency, tapes cassettes, and motion pictures.
5.     Equipment/hardware: examples include: black boards, tape recorders, projectors and video recorders. They are used in presenting materials, static or display such as chalkboard, flannel graph, flip charts, magnetic board are also used in presenting materials or lectures.
6.     Electronics: this comprises of radio, computer, e-mail, multimedia. These teaching materials makes teaching and learning process more easy and concrete.                         
7.     Non-projected media include books and other printed materials, objects, specimens. Models mock-up graphical materials bulletin boards that exhibits black boards, buildings, field trips simulation and games.
8.     Two-dimensional instructional materials include flat pictures, graphs, chat, diagrams posters, conics, cartoons, slides, films, trips and films. They are also non-projected materials with characteristics of being flat and light and may be either in opaque or transparent form. They have length but no height, hence they are 2 dimensional aids.
9.     Three-dimensional institutional materials include: models, mock up objects, specimens, laboratories, simulation and games. They are non-projected materials. Characteristically, they have length, breath, height, hence they are called 3 dimensional.

Instructional materials generally make the teaching process easier. However in order to appreciate the importance of instructional materials in the teaching-learning process, Rhert Heinich – et al (2001) consider the reasons for using them. They include to help:
1.     Gain and hold the attention of the learner
2.     Provide visual aspects to a process or techniques
3.     Focus attention on highlight of key points
4.     Create impact
5.     Facilities the understanding of abstract explanations.
6.     Provide a common fretwork of experience to a large number of learners
7.     Stimulate reality 

With this, instructional resources help to concretize the learning process. Hoban and Zizzman (2006) stated that the value of audio-visual materials is function of their degree of realism. The authors arranged various teaching methods in a hierarchy of greater abstraction beginning with the total situation and culminated in words t the top of the hierarchy. These include words, diagram, maps, flat pictures, slide, films, models and objects. For this, total situation involves much concreteness of the teaching-learning situation. Words only convey little or no concreteness in the teaching-learning process. In effect, the type of instructional materials used depends on what the tutor wants to demonstrate; for instance, the reasons for media is to create clear idea of something e.g. real object (realia) models as follows:

1.     To give visual access to something which may be inaccessible to clarity abstract information which may be difficult to communicate verbally. Examples are model picture, photo, posters and diagrams.
2.     To condense large qualities of information e.g. diagram and handout
3.     To promote mental activities of students; examples are handout, textbooks, films and picture
4.     To teach language pronouncement e.g. audiotapes.
5.     To support work of the tutors e.g. sound recordings

Common types of learning resources instructional materials include the following:
a.     Chalkboard
b.     Books and other printing materials
c.      Graphics
d.     Real objects
e.      Models
f.       Overhead projector
g.     Electronics: radio (cassette tape), television, video (cassette recorder (VCR), computer.)
Olahimola (1996) stating different subjects at different levels in the educational system shows that instructional materials, used by tutors serve to concretize abstract concepts and ideas. They make learning more interesting, more real and lively. At all level of education, instructional materials are very important in the attainment of desired goal and objectives. The traditional chalkboard method of teaching involves only the learning sense of hearing and the easily lose of interest after some time. However, the utilization of instructional materials in teaching and learning situation involves not only the sense of hearing but also the sense of  sight and touch, looking at educational practices, the Chinese proverb conclude that…
I hear – I forget
I see – I remember
I do – I understand
     Kindler (1993) stated that people generally remember;
10% of what they read
20% of what they hear
30% of what they see
50% of what they hear and see
70% of what they say and
90% of what they ay as they do a thing.
     For this reason, it was concluded that instructional materials ensure more effective learning since the leaner not only hears but also sees and does. instructional materials plays a very big role in teaching and learning process as enumerated below:
a.     It helps the tutors to provide his students with meaningful sources of information.
b.     Help the tutors by providing him with means of wildering his students of information
c.      Being experts with learning resources in the classroom
d.     Allow members of a group or class to share equally the same teaching experience.
e.      Provide the tutors means of exposing the students to a wide range of learning activities.
Okwudiba (2005), Nnoli et al; highlighted the function of instructional materials in the promotion of learning that instructional materials.
I.            Provide increased interest in learning
II.            Hold the leaner’s attention
III.            Provide the leaner with opportunities of interacting with their social and physical environment (excursion)
IV.            Offer learners opportunity for independent and individualized learning
V.            Supply concepts basis for conceptual thinking
VI.            Offer opportunities for leaner to develop their abilities and skills
VII.            Promote the acquisition and longer retention of knowledge.
For this point, instructional materials help to promote the understanding of the teaching learning process among other function. Good availability and utilization of instructional materials should be appropriate, free of bias, up tp date, easily obtainable and should not be too expensive. It also leads to more understanding and retentive memory in students in the teaching and learning process. 

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