WAEC GCE English Language Questions & Answers 2017 | Verified Expo Runz

WAEC GCE English Language Questions & Answers 2017 | Verified Expo Runz

WAEC EXPO 2017 English Language (Obj, Essay and Test of Orals)Obj  and Theory Questions And Answers Have Been Posted here as free gce 2017 waec expo. Best WAEC GCE 2017/2018 Expo site, Exam Runs, Free WAEC GCE Answers, Free WAEC GCE Expo and Free WAEC GCE Runs / Runz, Waec is here.

First and foremost, this is the Correct WAEC GCE English Language Past Questions & Answers 2017 for Objectives and Essay. As has been noted, Essay Expo Runz for this exam has become a trending need required by students writing this exam. As a matter of fact this Complete English Language Answers is for learning how the exam will come out and how to answer it.

On the other hand, please note that this is a past question paper curled from printed copies in bookshop in our area.

Meanwhile, do not attempt to use this as an expo material because you will be heading to failure. That being said, you may only use this as a study guide. Now stay focused, study them closely and prepare to pass.

English Language OBJ Questions & Answers

WARNING: This is a past obj answer. Do not copy it because you will fail.

English Language Essay Questions & Answers

Question 1
Your uncle has asked you to tell him about your educational ambition so that he may assist you. Write a letter to him thanking him and giving details of your plans.


Generally speaking, many candidates who attempted this question used the correct formal features but went straight to the second aspect of the question –their educational ambition, thus forgetting to thank their uncle. No doubt, spelling errors were very common and punctuation marks were used indiscriminately.

Question 2

Write an article suitable for publication in a national newspaper on unemployment in your country, highlighting its effects and the way out.

Similarly, many of the candidates who attempted this question concentrated their efforts on the causes of unemployment, leaving out the two aspects required by the question. All things considered, some of those who discussed the effects and the solution lacked the required expression to convey their ideas.

Question 3

The rate of power outage in your locality has become alarming. Write a letter to the Area Manager of the electricity complaining about the effects of this problem and asking him to come to your aid.


In the same way, the candidate is required to write a letter to the Area Manager of the electricity company in his locality, complaining about the effects of power outage and asking him to come to their aid. However, some candidates could not distinguish between power outage and total lack of power supply. In the light of this, they kept appealing to the Manager to supply power to their locality. Furthermore, those of them who understood the question handled it well.


Question 4

A youth club is organizing a series of talks meant to stimulate members to prepare adequately for the future. As a youth leader, you have been invited to give a talk on “My dream for the future.” Write your speech.


As shown above, the presentation of many of the candidates who chose this topic was not inspiring or stimulating at all. In short, many of them demonstrated a poor understanding of the topic as some wrote on the dreams they had while asleep.

Question 5

Write a story ending with the statement: If I had been given the full details, I would have acted differently.


On the whole, many of the stories written by the candidates were not relevant. In the long run, a good number of such candidates merely tagged the expression to their irrelevant story. Additionally, there were even some who did not even end their stories with the expression as demanded by the question.

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Question 6



As has been noted, the passage was quite interesting and offered familiar subject matter.  Nevertheless, many candidates did not demonstrate an understanding of the passage. Usually, they resorted to lifting portions of the passage as answers.


Question 7



To summarize this, some candidates used preambles that when taken with the points, did not make good sentences. As a matter of fact, it therefore goes that candidates who decide to use preambles must ensure that they do so correctly.

In either case, unless candidates understand what the passage says and what the questions demand, they cannot tackle the summary questions successfully. Copying portions of the set passage verbatim without regard to what is asked is far from summary writing.

General Comment

In the final analysis, the standard of the paper compares very well with those of previous years. The composition section tests the usual writing skills: an informal letter to a relation, a formal letter to a manager, an article for publication, a debate and story writing. The subject for every topic was within the experience and competence of the candidates.

Generally, there was noticeable improvement in candidates’ performance.
WAEC GCE English Language Questions & Answers 2017 | Verified Expo Runz

Candidates' Strength

Most candidates displayed a good knowledge of the formal features of letters.

Candidates' Weakness

Candidates’ weaknesses were revealed in the three sections of the paper:

  1. In the essay section, most candidates lacked the expression to carry through their ideas. Some of them could not clearly demonstrate a clear understanding of the questions.
  2. In the Comprehension and Summary questions, many of the candidates who did not understand the passages resorted to lifting portions of the passages mindlessly as answers.


  1. Home Management Expo Runz 2017 | Past questions & Answers
  2. CRS OBJ and Essay Free Expo Answers (CRK Past Questions/Answer)

Also evident were the usual weaknesses reported on every year: They include:
  1. Ignorance of the difference between ‘singular’ and ‘plural’;
  2. Ignorance of the difference between ‘present’ and ‘past tense’.
  3. Inability to construct meaningful sentences;
  4. Providing answers that have no relationship to the questions;
  5. Inability to re-state in the candidate’s own words, ideas contained in a passage;
  6. Ignorance of common literary terms;
  7. Ignorance of functions of clauses.


  1. Candidates should learn the basic grammatical structures of English Language.
  2. Candidates should acquaint themselves with the techniques for answering questions.
  3. Candidates should inculcate the habit of reading widely with a view to improving their vocabulary.
  4. Candidates should practice essay writing regularly.
  5. Candidates should understand the demands of questions before answering them.


Finally, the only ways to get round the weaknesses highlighted every year is to study and practise consistently. In summary, candidates who lack knowledge of the rudiments of the English Language will continue to perform poorly in this subject.