undertook modes of transmission modeling in 2009 the joint united nations
program on aids (UNAIDS) mode of transmission model was undertaken by the
National country team, with support from UNAIDS and the world bank, and was built
on the world bank epidemiology and response synthesis project in Nigeria, the
model estimates the distribution of new infections and identifies populations
and highest risk for HIV infection. The mode shows that high-risk groups will
significantly contribute to new HIV infections.
These high risk groups are
about 1% of the general population, and are men that have sex with men, female
sex workers and injecting drug users. They will contribute almost 23% of no
infections (UNAIDS, 2009). However, people practicing low-risk sex in the
general population will contribute 42% of the infections due to low condom use
and high sexual networking (UNAIDS, 2009)
Sexual route:
majority of HIV infections are acquired through unprotected sexual relation
having vaginal or anal sex without a condom with someone who is infected. Heterosexual
spread of HIV is increasing and promises to become the dominant mode of
transmission. In many African counties, sex with multiple partners, traumatic
sex, anal sex, all increases the risk of sexual HIV transmission.
Blood Transfusion:
transmission through unsafe blood accounts for the second largest source of HIV
infection in Nigeria (Egesie J. and Egesie E, 2011). Not all Nigerian hospitals
have the technology to effectively screen blood and therefore there is a risk
of using contaminated blood. The Nigerian Federal Ministry of Health have
responded by backing legislation that requires hospitals to only use blood from
the National Blood transfusion services, which has far more advantaged
blood-screening technology (Nigeria Exchange, 2008). It is also of concern for
person receiving medical care in regions where there is prevalent substandard
hygiene in the use of injection equipments, such as the reuse of needles in
third world countries. (Reeves and Doms; 2002)
Mother to child transmission:
third most important mode of HIV spread is from mother to infant. The
transmission from mother to child varies from 13% to 40% in untreated women Infact
can become infected in uteri during birth process or more commonly through
breast feeding. In the absence of breastfeeding, about 30% of infections occur
uteri and 70% during delivery. Data indicate infection in Africa is due to
breastfeeding (Bell 1997). High material viral loads are risk factors for viral
transmission (Jawetz et al; 2007,
Nester et al; 2007). HIV has been
found at low concentration in saliva, tears and urine of infected individuals,
but there are no recorded cases of infection by these secretions and the potentials
risk of transmission is negligible (Bell, 1997).