The summary of the result presented
in table 7 shows that there is no interaction between gender and teaching
method on pupils’ achievement in basic science (f cal = 2 .112 and f crit. = 3.84).
Although table 5 showed that male taught with experiential teaching method
scored higher than males taught using the conventional method and females
taught with experiential method also scored higher than those females taught
with the conventional method; but interaction between male and female pupils
taught with experiential method is not significant.
This shows that experiential
teaching method has relative effect on achievement of males and females and
does not depend on their gender and as such, it remains an authentic teaching
strategy. This finding is in line with the study carried out by Fox (1976) which
showed that gender has no significant interaction effect on performances of
pupils when manipulative is used in teaching. The above findings was also
confirmed by Kurumeh and Achor (2008) when they stated that there is no
interaction effect between gender and teaching method on pupils’ achievement in
decimal fraction using the Cuisenaire Rods Approach (a participatory/interactive
teaching approach).
It however contradicts the findings of Bloke and Imoko
(2007) that there exists interaction effect of gender and teaching subject, when
students are taught mathematics using Ethno- mathematics approach (a participatory/interactive
teaching approach). The interaction effect observed could be due to the levels
of subjects and the social cultural setting of the subject and study area rather
than the teaching method.
The fact that experiential teaching
approach proved to be better teaching method as the group taught with the
approach scored higher mean achievement could be due to the fact that pupils
found the method more interesting and were motivated. This is in line with Ibe
(2006) findings that male and female students taught sciences using guided and
participatory teaching method have a higher mean score than those taught using conventional
approach. The pupils in the treatment group might have worked collaboratively
in their group. The teacher might also have told them that the performance of
the entire group depends on the success of each group member.
individualism was de-emphasized; while collaboration was emphasized. This led
to group members ensuring that every member learnt irrespective of the sex of
the member. This therefore eliminated gender bias which would have led to
interaction of gender and the teaching method.
Experiential teaching approach de-emphasizes individualism and promotes
collaboration in Teaching/learning Process.