The two major issues are divorce and cultural value.
Divorce is rarely easy for any one but children exposed to there parent’s anger and term, committed relationship can turn your while world up side down and trigged all sorts of painful and unsettling for feelings. And when children are involved, the situation’s even more challenging.      

It can be difficult to give your kinds the stability and support they need when you’re on an emotional roller coaster of your own. For children divorce can be stressful, sad and confusing. At any age, kind may fell uncertain or angry at the prospect of mom and dad splitting up.
The arguments and tension between parents may make children feel guilty, angry and alone. Trying to move the children tale side or turn against the other parent creates confusion for the children and place them on the middle of an adult struggle. It is important to let children make up these own mind about their parent.
Studies slow that divorce is indeed a source of stress for children and it can result in a decline of will breeze through with few negative effects, and some will actually show improvement following divorce. Most counselors noted that children who cope best with divorce are those while often divorce, continue to have a stable loving relationship with both parents and regular, dependable visit from the nonresidential parent.
Family structure can be defined an terms of parent relationship to children in the household. (Debord 2012)

Culture and values:
According to frankly, child veering practices charge from culture to culture from penetration to federation and from social class to social class what is perfectly incapable on one culture or decade may be seen as shocking in another. From the 1600s through the kictoian age it was thought that “a child should be seen and not heard” child veering practices were strict and focused on social food, not child welfare personal child rearing proactive are based in whether a parent believes human native is inherently good, or inherently bad.
A parent who believes his child by native will do the wrong thing unless taught other wise, may create an authoritarian, punitive environment with strict discipline. Another parent, believing that the child native is inherently good may create the opposite entrance, an outright permissive environment where any they goes, parent who take the middle vied value their child, but create authoritative, but nurturing environment, where vales are enforced, but lessons are learned by environment and natural consequences.
Children first learn the values and attitudes practices in their home environment, then from schools and peers. eg. If parents decide to teach the value of work, they may encourage children to take summer jobs. But teenagers encourage employment because they want spending money or saving for things like cars or college. Depending upon a society’s values, the education system and an entire country may support a child rearing practice. For instance, in America, schools place more emphasis on individualism. In Japan, teachers place more emphasis on group consciousness.

            The word “faster” means to help someone (or something) growth and development. It also means to take care of someone’s needs. Faster parents then, are people-other than a kid’s parents who provide a safe place for kids to be cared for. They take the kids into their homes and them stay for a while.
            It’s often not forever, but until the child’s parents or another relative can care for him or her properly. It might be just for over night, or it might be for a few months or several years.           
(Nemours foundation 1995-2013)           
More than 500,000 children are in foster care in the United State. Most of these children have been the victim of repeated abuse and prolonged neglect and have not experienced a nurturing, stable enviroment during the early years of life. Such experiences are critical in a short-and long term development of a child brain and the ability to subsequently participate full in society. 3-8 children in foster care have disproportionately high rates of physical development and mental health problems.
            It is known that emotional & cognitive disruptions in the early lives of children have the potential to impair brain development.
            To develop into a psychologically healthy human being, a child must have a relationship with an adult who is nurturing protective, and foster trust and security  optional child development occurs when a spectrum of needs are consistently met over an extended period. Successful parenting is based on a healthy. Respectful and long-lasting relationship with the child’s development of self esteem and self worth
            Abused and neglected children (in or out of foster care) are at a great risk for not forming healthy attachment to anyone. Having at least one adult who is devoted to and loves a child unconditionally, who is prepared to accept and value that child for a long time, is to helping a child overcome the stress and trauma of abuse and neglect. (Committee on early childhood, Adoption and dependent care 2000)

·                    Nearly half of all children in foster care have chronic medical problems
·                    About half of children under five years in foster care have developmental delays
·                    Up to 80% percent of all children living in foster care have serious emotional problems
·                    More than 60,000 children living in foster care have had their biological parental rights permanently terminated.
(Children rights 2013)    

CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT: child abuse and neglect is a social and public health problem is Nigeria as well as a child rights issue. Abuse and neglect can lead to a wide range of adverse consequences of children and young people. Child abuse and neglect consist of any act of commission or omission by a parent or other caregiver that results in harm, potential for harm or the threat of harm to a child (0-18 years of age) even if the harm is unintentional. (Gilbert et al; 2009, National child protection clearing house (NCPC) 2010).
Abuse and neglect can be classified under the following – physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional maltreatment, neglect and witnessing domestic violence.
Child abuse and neglect can affect all domains of development – physical, psychological, cognitive, behavioral and social-which are often interrelated. Abuse and neglect in the early years of life can seriously affect the development capacities of infants especially in the critical areas of speech and language (wolfe 1999, NCPC 2010)
Research has demonstrated that abused and neglected children performed less well on standardized test and achieve poorer school makes, even when. Socio-economic status and other background factors are taken into account (Mills 2004, NCPC 2010) the psychological effect of child abuse and neglect may lead to alcohol and drug abuse problems in adolescence and adulthood. In addition of feeling pain and suffering themselves, children exposed to abuse and neglect are at increased risk of inflicting pain on others and developing aggressive and violent behaviour in adolescence.
Fatal abuse and neglect may result to death. World health organization (WHO) estimated that 155,000 deaths around the world of children aged 15 or younger occur every year due to abuse and neglect.
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