No one can just stand up and say that “this is the only definition of suicide bombing or terrorism”. This is because there is no particular definition of the concepts. One defines them the way they construe them. Before one defines suicide bombing, they will first answer the questions; what is suicide? And, what is bombing?
            The oxford English Dictionary defines suicide as:

1.         The action of killing oneself deliberately.
2.         a person who commits suicide
3.         a course of action which is likely to be very damaging to one’s          career, position in society etc36.
            The Longman Dictionary defines bombing as; “the use of bombs to attack a place”37. If we go by the etymological combination of the two words, suicide/bombing, we will hastily and inappropriately define suicide bombing as ‘the act of killing oneself by the use of bombs to attack a place” And this will be rather insufficient to a person who “hungers” for a complete meaning of suicide bombing, and shallow to a person who longs to appreciate the paper. On this note, let us examine some definitions given by scholars on this subject matter.
            Thesaurus37 defines suicide bombing as ‘a terrorist bombing carried out by some who does not hope to survive it”. The definition above covers the meaning of suicide bombing in this study. The concept of suicide bombing connotes that the perpetrator of the evil act deliberately takes their life and the lives of other people. 
According to Dr. Boaz Ganro38, “A suicide attack is an operational method in which the very act of the attack is dependent upon the death of the perpetrator”. This definition would have been the best definition for [1]    this study if not for the use of ‘attack’ in lieu of bombing”. However, we can still make it up by the subtraction and addition of “attack” and “bombing” (respectively).
            Therefore, suicide bombing is an operational method in which the success of the act is dependent upon the death of the bomber. This however means that the perpetrator certainly, must die.
            Now, what is terrorism?
            Martin Harrow39 states, “That terrorism is not evenly distributed across space and time, but rather occurs in waves is a well known and generally overlooked piece in the puzzle of understanding why terrorism happens. That terrorism, rather than being the extremist version of an ideology, is the contingent result of the availability of a number of factors.…”
            The task of defining terrorism is complicated, but absolutely necessary in order to develop a sufficient understanding of this phenomenon and to deal with it effectively. The complexity of defining terrorism has many aspects40.

            “The use of violence with aim of creating fear in a wider audience in order to prevent various parties from doing something, or on the 
contrary, to coerce them into a certain behaivour, is as old as mankind. Such use of violence has served states and various regimes over a long period of time”.
            The term “terrorism” is coined from the Latin word “terrere” which means “to frighten” and when anglicized, because “terrorize” in its verb form and “terror” in its noun form.
            Though terrorism has become an everyday vocabulary, we shall know if what people construe terrorism to mean is what it truly is.
            According to Bruce Hoffman in his book; “inside terrorism,” “terrorism, in the most widely accepted contemporary usage of the term, is fundamentally and inherently political. It is also ineluctably about power: the pursuit of power the acquisition of power, and the use of power to achieve political change. Terrorism is thus violence-or, equally important, the threat of violence-used and directed in pursuit of, or in service of, a political aim41”.

            In the words of Sandler and Enders, ‘terrorism is the premeditated use or threat of use of violence by individuals or sub-national groups to obtain a political or social objective through the intimidation of large audience, beyond that of immediate victim42.         
            In consideration of the divergent definitions offered by Harrow, Mannik, Hoffman and Sandler, we can observe that terrorism despite their divergent opinions, has to do with use of violence by a group in pursuit of a goal be it political, economical, religious or social to achieve such goal. It is the victimization, humiliation intimidation of a target audience to meet an”expected end”.
            In whichever way one construes terrorism, it must be understood as a use of violence to instill terror in the minds a large audience (the public). Since we have by way of coherent explicability done justice to the meaning of suicide bombing and terrorism, we shall now go on to know what National development means.

36 Edited by Catherine Soanes with Sara hawker, Compact Oxford English Dictionary for students
37 www.thefreedictionary.com  
38 (supra) pg 19 above
39 Inside a Wave of Terrorism”, the dynamic relation between terrorism and the factors leading to terrorism journal of global change and governance vol.1, no3, 2008. 
40 Erik Manik, Terrorism: Its past, present and future prospects, (2007) page 152  
41 Bruce Hoffman, inside terrorism (2002) pages 2 and 3
42 Todd and Walter economic consequences of terrorism in Developed and Developing countries: An Overview pg 2
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