Pig belongs to the
Kingdom        -           AnimeLia
Phylum           -           Chordata
Lass                -           Mammalian
Order  -           Artiadactyla
Family            -           Suidae
Genus -           Sus

Pigs are more prolific among the domestic animals, the they can produce 6-18 piglets in every litters. The piglet are fast growing depending on the feeding and quality of feed given, attaining slaughtering weigh of about 68kg within 6-8 months.
            Pig produces meat that is different form the flesh of all other farm animals in texture flavour and certain nutritive properties, as well as having a very thick layer of which has found some flavour in human diet part from that of the daily cattle.
            Pigs are efficient utilizes of concentrate feeds, converting them into human food (meat) the capacity of pig to convert large quantities of concentrate feeds and some other waste products form the household into edible human food (meat) which has brought them into prominence in many parts of the world, particularly in the corn-belt of the united states and other parts of the world where excess grains are producers they are poor utilizes of roughages, due to they small digestive tract.
            Pigs are highly susceptible to diseases resulting form parasitic organism, bacteria, virus e.tc. Which may cause heavy losses. Precaution measures must be taken, to come to an aid.
Breeds of pigs in royal farms
-           Large white
-           Land race
-           Cross breeds.

1.         Palm kernel cake      PKC
2.         Brewers dry grain.
3.         Cassava tuber meal
4.         Cassava peel meal
5.         Soya beans meal
6.         blood meal
7.         Bone meal-    mature adult male pig
8.         Potatoes leaves
9.         Paw-paw leaves
10.       Bambra nut
11.       Salt

Pig is kind of animal that needs
-           Pig needs monitoring for effectiveness and efficiency. It routine method of feed drug must be maintain to avoid vices and weight loss. If it is fed 2 time or once per day, that method must be maintained and followed accordingly.
            A newly farrow sow, use to be aggressive and care be applied in handling her before the bring out the piglet outside for treatment, you must drop feed for the sow to be feeding (eating) for her to have a relax mind. They is kind of peering by touching the ear, back and becoming whistle for it to relax and be friendly.
The piglets are handled with absolute care, to avoid injury during vaccination at the early state
            Male pigs between 10-12 months of age when sow or (gilts) show sings of heat period,(oestrus) which areas every 21 days the sow will be brough out from it pen. Put into the boards pen for service, but not the other way round. The service usually last for 5-7 day depending.
            After the servicing into her own pen for the gestation period. It is usually done early in the morning or evening. Do not use too heavy boar on light gilts.
After the service by the boar, the sow will show some changes physiologically, the abdomen will start increasing in size and the skin out look will be grossy and shiny and increase in weight gain. the feeding pattern changes.
            It draws for attention the feeding and water for calling must be maintained regularly green vegetable should be given for energy. When signs of parturition (farrowing) is noticed, the farrowing pen is prepared and get ready before them for he pregnant sow. For the safety of the sow and it piglets. The gestation period is (115day) or 333).
These is the process of separating the piglets from the sow or sow from the piglet. It is done either of the way.
(a)       Bring out the sow form the pen and leant the piglets.
(b)       Brining out the piglet and left the sow in the pen weaning is usually done 8 weeks depending on the weight and size and health condition.
Daily routine activities on piggery
1.         sanitation an disinfection of the pens
2.         scrapping off the feaces and tiding of the pen, for
3.         general screaning and observation of the pigs, piglets and growers (monitoring)
4.         Mixing of the feeds and serving them.
5.         Provision of water, in the water bath.
6.         Treatment of sick pigs
7.         Isolation of disease/weak pigs
8.         Record keeping
9.         Weaning and services.       
1.         Proper feeding of the sow
2.         Sanitation of the sows pen and general body
3.         Cleaning and disinfection o f the farrowing pen
4.         Do not disturb the sow during parturition.
5.         Creep feeding
6.         Castration: It is between 2-4 week  of age depending.
7.         Weaning; it is between 6- 8 weeks old, defending
8.         Fattening
1.         Manage
-           speeding of manage is by direct contact
-           It affects pigs of all age
-           It causes rough skin
-           Redness of skin, with irritation and scratching
-           Disease also affects the inside of the ears.
Terminologies in piggery management
SOW               -           Adult female pig that has given birth
BOAR -           An Adult male pig
A/N HUG       -           Castrated male pig
GILT               -           A matured female pig that has
GILT               -           A young female pig of 3-10 months of age
that is not yet mated.
In-PIG-SOW  -           Pregnant sow
Castration      -           The surgical removal of the testicles
Farrowing                  -           the birth of a litter process of giving
Litter              -           Piglets farrowed together by one sow
Gestation                   -           the time from service to giving birth
(pregnancy period)
Heat Period   -           The period of estrus when the sow or
gilt will sow desire to be mated.
Service                       -           the Act of mating
Pure breed pigs-       Sow and boar of the same breed,
crossed to produce pure piglets. Landrace + landrace
Cross Breeding           -         The mating of two pigs of different
breed together to obtain a better offspring e.g largwhite + landrace.
PORK             -           Fresh pig meat
BACON                      -           Salted pig meat
PEN                            -           Closed housing where pigs are kept
LARD             -           Fat from pigs that is used in cooking
LAIR AGE                 -           The pens where pigs are kept before
Castration: this is the surgical removal of a BOAR Testicle, depending on the breeder intention, for the growth of his farms.
1.         Washing the area (testicle) with disinfectant Water
2.         Sheaving the hairs on the testicle and surrounding region.
3.         Injection of Anesthesia on the Testis and around the TESTIS (NB massage follows allow for some minutes to distribute)
4.         Making incision on the testicle sac (when the testicle ball is out, you will SCRUB the testicle tube to control bleeding.
5.         Knotting with the chromic catcut the on the tube below the testicle ball two times(2x).
6.         Proper cutting of the testicle ball, below the two knot Tie on the tube
7.         Washing the scrotum sac with the disinfectant water
8.         Injection of antibiotics
9.         Wound dressing with potassium solution
Castration kits
(a)       surgical blade (2) forceP (3) chromic cat cut
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