pleasant environment is a hazard free and promotes healthful living, is a
fundamental right of all Nigerians. There is an increasing national
consciousness on the need for judicious management of the Nigerian environment
in a sustainable manner.
Therefore, ensuring improved Environmental Sanitation standards has become high on the political agenda of Government in the current democratic dispensation. This is demonstrated in the creation of the Federal Ministry of Environment to address amongst other things, the problems of poor Environmental Sanitation and is expected to engender improved productivity and foster equitable share of the job and joy of national economic development.
There cannot be a healthy nation without a healthy environment. Scientists have warned over the years that an unhealthy population and a degraded environment will hinder progress towards development goals. In Nigeria, there is now a greater understanding of the principal threats to the environment and public health. These are associated with a variety of factors, including those related to poor Environmental Sanitation.
Environmental Sanitation related diseases exacerbate poverty by diminishing
productivity and household income. In addition, the national cost of lost
productivity, reduced educational potential and huge curative health costs
constitute a major drain on the local and national economy. Besides, a dirty
environment with its attendant health consequences, prevailing in most of our
cities, can discourage tourists/investors and undermine the economic benefit of
tourism to the country. Consequently, wide-ranging actions are required to
solve Environmental Sanitation problems in order to reduce and avert their adverse
health, economic and developmental effects.
National Environmental Sanitation Policy is developed in accordance with the
National Policy on Environment (1989), Millennium Development Goals (MDG),
World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) targets and the aims of the New
Partnership for African Development (NEPAD) initiatives. The Policy is also in
line with the goals of the National Economic Empowerment and Development
Strategy (NEEDS) in the creation of wealth, employment and poverty alleviation.
The National Policy aims at providing sound Environmental Sanitation, which
shall assure sustainable environment and protection of human health. The
consequent programmes shall improve public health and optimise the impacts of
the huge investments in the health sector.