Nursing ethics is a branch of applied ethics that
concerns itself with activities in the field of nursing. Nursing ethics shares
many principles with the medical ethics, such as beneficence, non-maleficence
and respect for autonomy. Nursing ethics can be distinguished by its emphasis
on relationships, human dignity and collaborative care.
Development of Subject
The nature of nursing means that nursing ethics tends
to examine the ethics of caring rather than ‘curing’ by exploring the
relationship between the nurse and the person in care.
Early work to define ethics focused
more on the virtues that would make good nurse, rather than looking at what
conduct is necessary to respect the person in the nurse’s care.
For example, this is
made explicit in the latest code from the international council of nurses.
Distinctive Nature
Although much of nursing ethics can appear similar to
medical ethics, there are some factors that differentiate it. Generally the
focus of nursing ethics is more on developing a caring relationship than
concerns about broader principles, such as beneficence and justice for example,
a concern to promote beneficence may be expressed in traditional medical ethics
by the exercise of paternalism.
Nigerian Nursing Ethics:- As propounded by the National Association of Nigerian
Nurses and Midwives (NANNM)
It was formed in 1977 but the decree
establishing it was promulgated and known as decree 22 of 1978.
National Association of Nigerian
Nurses and Midwives became the single professional association to protect and
advance nursing and professional interest of all Nigerian Nurses Association
(NNA) and the Professional Association of Trained Nurses and Midwives (PATNM).
This body became only the umbrellas that unite all registered nurses and
Midwives all over Nigeria.
To ensure primary
care to an effective reality.
To effect changes in nursing practice and
To organize and
direct nursing teachers courses to improve teaching methods.
To development
teaching programmes for all types of schools nursing.
To carryout all
professional consultation
To arrange a
model of highly specialized courses in order to carryout professional
specialization in nursing. Other professional power includes:-
ICAN - International Council of African Nurses and
WACN - West
African College of Nurses.
Nursing ethics are the major basis of nurses in making
moral judgments on certain situations. It emphasizes on nurse’s relationships
with their patients, on collaborative care, human rights, morality and