The research design to be adopted in this study is the quantitative research design, this is because it places emphasis on the statistical data and this data are used to test hypothesis. However, it also shows the methodology to be applied in other to ascertain the impact of exchange rate on economic growth in Nigeria.

Model Specification     
            One of the important steps the researcher has to take in studying the relationship between the variables is to express this relationship in mathematical form

Therefore       GDP    =          (EX, MS) in the implicit form
                        GDP    =          b0+b1Ex+b2Ms+ut   
                        EXC    =          Exchange rate
                        Ms       =          Money supply
                        B0        =          constant 
                        B1        =          regression coefficient
                        Ut        =          error term

Data Required and Sources 
            The data required is the secondary data. They are time series data on GDP at current factor.
            They were collected from the under listed sources
(1)              CBN statistical bulletin for planned year
(2)              CBN economic and financial review
(3)              National planning office
(4)              Federal bureaux of statistics publication
(5)              CBN annual report and statement of account     
Addition of some relevant tests and journals were also consulted for this work.

Method of Evaluation/ Data Analysis   
The method of evaluation in this study is the multiple regression method applying the ordinary least square (OLS) method. This method will be used to evaluate the working hypothesis, the test statistics and the econometrics tests to be conducted.

Method of Testing the Hypothesis 
(i) R2 coefficient of determination is used to measure the percentage of variation in the dependent variable attributable to the independent variable, this is known as the goodness of fit.

Decision Rule
            An R2 of one (1) means a perfect fit, r2 of zero means that there is no relationship between the regress and the regrssor. Also if 0<r2<1, it means there is relationship between the regress and the regressor. And the closer r2 is to one (1) the better the fit.
(ii)       Student t-test shall be used to test for the statistical significant of the individual regression coefficient.

Decision Rule
            If t*<t0.025, accept the null hypothesis H0 and if otherwise reject it:
(iii)     F-statistics measures the overall significant of the entire regression plane. It will be used to test the joint influence of the explanatory variable on the dependent variable.
Decision Rule    
            If F*<f0.05, accept the null hypothesis and if otherwise reject it.
(iv)      The standard error test shall be used to test or measure the reliability of the parameter estimate.
Decision Rule 
If the standard errors is smaller than half the numerical value of the parameter estimate, i.e S (b0) < b0/2 or S (b1) <b1/2, it means that the estimate is statistically. Also if S (b0) >b0/2 or S (b1)>b1/2, it means that the estimate is not statistically significant.
(v)       Durbin-Watson d-test shall be used to measure the presence of autocorrelation with a first order scheme.

Decision Rule     
            If d*<dL, reject the null hypothesis H0 and concluded that the forecasting power of the model performance is poor, and if d*>dL, accept the null.
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