Depending upon the type problem to be solved, reports may originate within the company or outside the company. Except for reports required by the government, even external reports originate within the company that is they are authorized by the company.

Internal reports (reports written and used within the company) usually fall into one of two categories:
Routine reports
Special reports

1.       Routine Reports originate because management anticipates problems to be solved. Management establishes quantitative markers to determine whether the companies are no schedule in meeting major company goals or objectives. The budget is one the best known markers; other are sales quotas and production units. Progress toward achieving these various markers or quotas is communicated routinely to management in the form of report. Results, good and bad are reported routinely to those responsible for company operations.

2.       Special Reports originate because of problems to be solved which management cannot anticipate. Special reports frequently relst because of problems that become apparent in routine reports. A routine report may reveal that sale in district a are far below quota. Management investigates and determines that production is below quota because of morale problems. Based on this determination, a special report on sales personnel morale may be authorized.

A few reports come about because of the independent action of individual company personnel. Although no attempt is made here to explain motivation, some individuals (probably a relatively small number) of their own decision will detect, research and report on some problem they identify in company operation.

External report is reports to governmental agencies that are probably the most frequently produced reports originating (authorized) outside the company. And even though they are authorized externally, they originate that is the research is performed – internally. Other examples of external reports would be those going to trade association or to chambers of commerce.

Often, there will be problems to be solved which the personnel of a company may not be qualified to solve. Having isolated the problem(s). Management calls upon an outside organization to research and reports the findings. Once again, though, the problem is usually defined internally. Sometimes, even though company personnel have the necessary abilities and skills to research and write a report, an external source is hired to do the job in order to obtain the essential report element of objectivity.
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