The functionalism were a dominant
theory in sociology. Famous among the scholars are Emile Durkheim, Talcott
person and Robert Merton. Functionalist analysis begins with society as a
whole, it de-emphasizes the individual. In relation to deviance. They are of
the notion that deviance is an important aspect of all healthy societies.
An important aspect of functionalism
is their belief in shared norms and value, they acknowledge the place of social
control mechanisms to keep deviance in check, but believes that a certain level
of deviance has some positive functions too.
Theories that are embedded in this
argument attempts to see the causes of deviance in the nature of society where
the individual finds himself/herself. Durkheim (1938) sees crime and deviance
as functional, in that is an integral part of all healthy societies, as they
prepare society change that is inevitable. He however did not over work the
place of punishment, in his words “both crime and punishment are functional”.
Merton (1957) also followed the
standard functionalist view of laying emphasis on society. He posits that
culture and structure of a certain persons to deviate behaviour, wealth could
pass for a value of the people, thus the kennel of this argument is that not
all have equal access to wealth and this uneven distribution makes some people to
develop sub-cultures, which differs from that of the wider society.
Prostitution then could be a resort for those who do not have another means to
achieve the stated goals.
Cohen (1966) was more precise on
various forms of deviance. He claimed that deviance can serve as a “safety
value” prostitution performs such as safety value without threatening the
institution of the family, claiming the relationship between a prostitute and
her clients, which do not extend to any commitment. And emotional attachment.
Again he draw attention to the fact that deviance again could serve as a
warning signal to aspects of society that are not functional properly and as a
result of the attention drawn to it, corrective measure could be taken.
It possible to view the causes of
deviance like prostitution could be caused by both internal factor and
However, functionalists perspective
goes a long way to show the relationship between deviance (prostitution or Iwu
Ahu) and the place of elements with the society or environment which stands as
the dependent variable.