There are many types of prostitution. Below are some of them:
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Female prostitution: This is the most famous type of prostitution. Here, apparently, the sex worker is of the feminine gender, whether old or young, single or married.
The female prostitute can be:
The homosexual female (Lesbian) prostitute, solicits and engages
in sexual relations with the same sex for an agreed consideration.
A heterosexual female prostitute engages in sexual activity with
the opposite sex, while the bisexual is open to consensual relationship with
both sexes.
Male Prostitution: This is the sale of sexual services by a male to either male or female clients[41]. Male prostitutes could also be homosexual or bisexual. Male prostitutes offering services to male clients are called hustlers or rent boys. Those offering to female clients i.e heterosexual male prostitutes are better known as “gigolos”. For the gigolos, financial incentives are usually the primary reason as with all forms of prostitution, though hustling may confer a sense of self worth or social status. Clientele in this regard are not restricted to homosexual men but include married men and women, single men and women, businessmen, experienced homosexuals, etc
Child Prostitution: This refers to the use of children as commercial sex workers. The definition of a child prostitute can vary depending on who is making use of the term. Under many laws, a child is defined as anyone under the age of eighteen.
The operational protocol on the sale of children, child
prostitution and child pornography to the Convention
on the Rights of a Child states that the prostitution of children is;
“The practice whereby a child is used by others for sexual activities
in return for remuneration or any other form of consideration”[42].The
remuneration or other consideration could be provided to the child or to a
patron. Generally, the prostitution of children means that a party other than
the child benefits from a commercial transaction in which the child is made
available for sexual purposes on the prompting of an exploiting intermediary
(called a “pimp”) who contends and oversees the child’s activities for profit[43].
It must be noted that a pimp is not restricted to child
prostitution. The pimp is an abusive individual who negotiates an exchange
directly with a child in order to receive sexual gratification.
Online Prostitution: This is one of the latest forms of prostitution as well as the easiest. This form of prostitution shields the identity of both parties, where explicit conversations and sometimes photographs are exchanged.
According to Siegal Larry J,
use of internet by prostitutes and customers is now common. He stated that prostitutes
may use adult boards or create a website of their own contract details such as,
email and postal addresses. Adult contact sites, chats and on-line communities
are also used. He also noted that this has brought increased scrutiny from law
enforcement agents, public officials and activist groups towards on-line
In 2009, Craiglist came under fire for its role in facilitating
online prostitution and was sued by some 40 US State Attorney Generals, local
prosecutors and law enforcement officials[45].
In on-line prostitution, consideration is negotiated through the use of credit
cards or money transfer. This form of prostitution is made possible due to the
access of computers and internet facilities and the development of high
technology both in electronics and communication.
The advantage of online prostitution over all other forms of
prostitution is the preservation of dignity of the participants and the
avoidance of stigma associated with prostitution in our society.
Street Prostitution: This is the most popular type of prostitution. Here apparently, the prostitute solicits customers while waiting at street corners. They usually dress in provocative, skimpy clothing, regardless of the weather.
The 2009, UN Report on TIP stated that in Russia and other countries of the former USSR, street
prostitution takes the form of an open-air market. “lot lizard” is a commonly
encountered special case of street prostitution[46]. Lot lizards mainly serve those in trucking industry at
truck stops and stopping centers. This is very evident in place like Spear
n’deo Junction in Ebonyi
Sex Tourism Prostitution: The world Tourism Organization, a specialized agency of the United Nations defines sex tourism as:
Trips organized from within the tourism sector, or from outside
this sector but using it’s structures and networks with the primary purpose of
effecting a commercial sexual relationship by the tourist with residents at the
Often times, the term “sex tourism” is mistakenly interchanged
with the term, “child sex tourism”. As opposed to regular sex tourism, which is
often legal, a tourist who has sex with a child prostitute will usually be
committing a crime in the host country under the laws of his own country and
against international law.