The theory of comparative cost was put forward by David Ricardo in 1817. The  main purpose behind  developing this theory was  to advocate for mutual trade.
According to  Ricardo: he defined comparative cost  as a  “nations should not waste their scarce  resources on producing the commodities which they can obtain from abroad at lesser cost. A
nation should divert its resources only to the production of commodities in which they have greatest relative efficiency and trade for those products which they cannot produce  efficiently

David Ricardo, with the help of his comparative cost theory tried to illustrate that even if Portugal could produce wine and cloth more cheaply(in terms of  labor hours) than England, it  will be beneficial or Portugal to specialize in  the production of wine,  because she is comparatively more  efficient in its production than cloth, so if Portugal concentrates in the production of wine and England  specializes in  the production  of cloth, trade will be mutually profitable to them because  they have now a large supply of  wine and cloth.
The principle  of  comparative cost can be made clear by taking a simple example from our very day life. Let us suppose, there is a very successful  barrister who at the very  same time is a very good typist will  it  be advantageous for the barrister to type all his legal documents himself? The  answer is no. The  time  which he spends in typing his papers can be more profitable utilized in the preparation and pleading of his  cases in courts.
For instance, if he types all his legal documents  he can save $2000 per month. If  he  engages a typist  and spends that time  in the preparation cases, he can earn $4000 per month. It will thus be  profitable for the barrister to devote his time in the preparation of cases and pleading them in court than  doing any  other work. In economic  terminology,  we can say, that though the barrister has an advantage in  both pleading his cases and  typing of documents, yet he can earn more if he devotes himself exclusively   to the occupation in which he has the greater comparative advantage, i.e  in legal work.  We can take many other examples like this to clear the concept of comparative cost. For instance, it is advantageous  for a doctor to employ   a dispenser than to do the work of dispensary himself is a better dispenser.
The principle of comparative cost which we have applied to individual cases is now  applied to regions and  countries. It pays each country to specialize in the production of those commodities in which it has the greater comparative advantage or in which it suffers the least comparative disadvantage. In the words of  Jacob Viner:
“The theory of comparative cost as applied to international  trade is therefore, that each country trend  to  produce, not necessarily what it can produce more cheaply than an other country, but  those articles which  it can produce at the greatest relative advantage ie  at the lowest comparative cost. Each country will produce that article in the production of which its superiority is more marked or its  inferiority least  marked”
It may be remembered here that when the products of one country exchange for that of another, it is not the cost of production which we compare but the ratio   between the cost of the production of  the  commodities concerned.
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