3.0 Introduction
This chapter handles how data will be collected for this study. It deals with the description of procedure that will be adopted in carrying out the study.
3.1  Research Design
The research design embodies the blue prints for the collection, the measurement and analysis of data related to the research question. Thus, the methodology that will be use for the
collection of data is mainly survey design. The reason for using survey design is because it deals with survey design. The reason for using survey design is because it deals with human behaviour that is not subject to laboratory experimentation but rather open to observation.
3.2       Area of the study
This study will be carried out in Akanu Ibiam Federal Polytechnic Afikpo, Ebonyi State and Institute of Management and Technology, Enugu, Enugu State.
3.3       Population of the Study
The target population to be sampled in this research study consists of all the management/senior staff and junior staff of the two institutions.

Table 3.3.1


Akanu Ibiam Polytechnic Afikpo
Institute of Management and Technology, Enugu





 Source: (i) Personal unit, Akanu Ibiam Federal Polytechnic, Afikpo (ii) Personal unit, Institute of Management and Technology, Enugu.

3.4  Sample Procedure
This deals with how to make an optimal representation of the population. Stratified sampling technique will be adopted for this study. This is because it will give a fair representation of the selected institutions.
3.5             Sample Size Determination
For the purpose of this study the actual population is three hundred and seventeen (317) staff.
N         = N
n          =    Sample Size
N         =    Actual Population(317)
e          =    Level of significant (or limit of tolerable error 0.05 or 5%)
i           =    Constant
Substituting, we have
N         =        317
                1+317 (0.5)2
                =          317
            =      317
                   1.75        = 181.1
            n  =  181   
Hence, 181 represent the sample size of the population. The sample size for each stratum of category of staff to be sampled is estimated using bowley’s proportional allocation statistical techniques.
nh =   nNh
nh   = the number of unit allocated to each stratum/category of staff
Nh  =  the number of staff in each category
n   =   the  total sample size
N   =   the actual or total population
Institution A:
Akanu Ibiam Federal Polytechnic, Afikpo
Proportion of management/senior staff to be sampled
Nh =      181 x 30  =   5430  = 17 
317                                     317
Number of junior staff to be sampled
nh = 181 x 142    =   25702    =  81
317                                               317
Institution B
Institute of Management and Technology Enugu 
Number of junior staff to be sampled
nh =   181 x 25    = 4225     =14
             317            317
Number of junior staff to be sampled
nh    =   181 x 120    = 21720   = 69
 317                317
n = 17 + 81 + 14 + 69 = 181
3.6 Source Of Data
Two sets of data will be utilized for the study:  primary and secondary data
3.6.1       Primary Sources of Data
The primary data for the research study will be collected through the use of questionnaire administered to the necessary personnel in the institutions and also through personal interviews

3.6.2        Secondary Sources of Data
The secondary data for this study shall be obtained from published sources. These include relevant textbooks, journals and materials from the Internet.
3.7        Instrument for the Data Collection
Questionnaire would be the main instrument for data collection for the research. Two sets of questionnaire will be presented to the respondents. To avoid error and bias–free data, the questionnaire will be carefully developed. A set will be directed at the senior/ management staff and other directed to the junior staff.  Each of the questionnaire would be devised into two sections (A, B). Section A consist of bio-data of the respondents while section B will comprise of a number of questions and statement to which respondents would be grading on each statement of question on four point scales.
3.8        Validity   of the Research Instrument
The researcher was convinced that the research instrument has face validity after pre-testing the questionnaire for the study and the   responses on the questionnaire showed that is measured and provided answers to achieve the purpose of the research study.
3.9        Reliability of the research instrument
The researcher observed   from the pre-tested questionnaire the   most of the responses on the questionnaire were consistently showing   the reliability of the research instrument.  
3.10     Method of data analysis
The responses to the   questionnaire will first be analyzed using simple percentage. However, this study sets out to establish the relationship between organizational culture and organizational performance.   Accordingly, correlation is used as a statistical tool to determine the nature or strength of relations between the two variables. For this reason, in testing the hypotheses that have been formulated correlation co-efficient will be adopted. Furthermore, in order to measure the significant of the stated hypotheses t-test distribution will be employed.
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