The modern state system is an association among sovereign and equal powers. It was born with the peace treaty of Westphalia in 1648 which ended the thirty years war in Europe.  Scholars commonly designate 1648 as the time the state system began to take on its modern form.  Thereafter, European rulers refused to recognize the authority of the   Roman Catholic Church, replacing the previous system of papal government with geographically and politically separate state which recognized to authority above them. The treaty of  Westphalia came with notable changes-England France, Sweden, Holland and Spain became  independent and national states.1
The  newly independent  states were all given the same legal rights: territorial indivisibility;  freedom  to conduct foreign relations and   negotiate treaties with other states;  the authority to re-established  whatever form of government they thought  best to  rule their   own population.
In 1861, the state of Italy was proclaimed, while the Germans achieved unification in 1871.
In the Balkans, the collapse of the Ottoman Empire gave way to independence among slaves in the 19th and 20th centuries. In the Western hemisphere, America had gained independence in 1776. In 1822, Brazil declared here independence of Portugal.
In the Far East, Japan emerged from feudalism 1867-68 with the collapse of the Shogunate. When World War 1 fell outside the European continent.  After the war and the peace treaties with those defeated, only USA and Britain could be described as major powers, (Wittkpof 1978:74 )
Evolution of International Society 
“International society  stands for  relations between politically  organized  human groupings which occupy distinctive  territories and enjoy and exercise a  measure of  interdependence  from each other”.2  it is a  political  community which  is sovereign (not under any higher political  authority). In international relations parlance, such communities are regarded as states. They usually consist   of:
a.      Permanent population
b.      Defined territory
c.      A central  government, and
d.      Must  be independent of all other states  with the same status3
Hedley Bull summarizes the foundation of international  relations as the existence of states or  independent  political communities each of which possesses a  government and  asserts sovereignty  in relations to particular  portion  of  the earth’s  surface   and a particular segment of  human population.4  
The Emergence of Modern State System
The first historical manifestation of international society was in grace. It  comprised a large number of  city  states.  Geographically located at the lower Balkan peninsula the  Adriatic and the Aegean seas. 
They had a common language, ancestry, religion and way of life which distinguished them from those of their neighbours whom they called barbarians. That is those who did not speak Greek or Latin.  Sparta, Corinth and Athens were Greek city-states but Athens was the most popular.  They constituted the first international society in Western history. It is  important to state that Greece was not a state.  The society   consisted of city-states which were  for all intents  and purpose independent of each other.
The city –state maintained relations but the identities of each was preserved through ceremonies, cults, oracles,  but  political arrangements were the same.
The  city-states consulted the oracles at Delphi  in  resolving anything in dispute. They equally evolved  such  special political   vocabularies as  reconciliation, truce, alliance peace, etc. they did not establish resident diplomatic institutions. That were an invention of Italian renaissance. The  ancient Greeks did not articulate international  law   because they could not conceive of the city states as having  rights and duties in relation to  other city-states.5 The  ancient  Greek city  states were politically self contained, their  international  society  was cultural/.religious rather  than legal  / political.5
            Though the ancient Greeks  did not conceive international law in practical terms, they  nevertheless  recognized that certain principles ordained  by the gods  or dictated by practical reality should govern the conduct of relations between the city-states.
The ancient Greeks constructed an international society which survived in the face of hegemonic empires like Persia, Rome and  Macedonia. The first  modern  international society based on large-scale territorial states  came into  existence a little later in north western Europe out of which  the global international society has evolved.
The  state
The state is any body of people occupying a definite  territory and politically organized under one government6.  The terms state, government and nation differ in meaning. A  government is the established form of political  organization  of a state. A nation may be a body of inhabitants occupying a   definite territory with a common culture. A “nation”   may also mean any aggregation of people having like institutions and customs and a sense of social  homogeneity and mutual  interest”.  A nation may extend beyond the borders of a  particular state. State, nation and country are used  interchangeably by  writers for choice of words not necessarily  because they mean exactly the same thing.
States have vast differences which include size, population,  culture, government , military strength, etc.   Through international law, all states are equal and sovereign,  but in actual fact there are many inequalities and many degrees of  dependence among states.  For instance, the  annual budget  of the city of New York is larger than that of the states of the world.
            The national budget of India with a population of more than half a billion is smaller than that of Britain which is  less  than 19th  as  many people. States also differ significantly   cultures,  religion, language, history, tradition, ethical  codes social patterns, economic and political ideologies.  A state may operate parliament or military, some governments are dictatorial and honest. Others are democratic and corrupt, etc. 
In international affairs, the most common way classifying states is with a re-course to national power “great power” or  “major powers”  and “small powers”, world power,  super powers, middle powers and powers of  uncertain  status. The United States of America is a world power in terms of worldwide commitments and extra-ordinary  military  strength.
During World War II,  which involved Japan, Italy and Germany on one side and USA, great Britain,  France and Russia on the other, France was easily overrun, but  with  a combined effort of Russia, great Britain and USA,   Nazism  in   Germany was utterly destroyed,  fascism in Italy, and military  fascism and emperor  system in Japan were equally  crushed  japans attack  on the pearl  harbour in  1941  forced the USA  to  join the war on the side   of allied powers.  At the end, USA  and  Russia emerged as world powers.
In its broadest historical perspective, the present  state system is explained by Aristotle’s  celebrated observation  that man is by nature a political animal. This means that   at all  stages of development people have needs and wants which  they cannot realize alone. Hence, they form social groups. Such groups  differ greatly in their  nature and scope  according  to  circumstances but they  invariably  strike a  host  of   organizational problems pertaining to the  structure  of the group and also its relationship with other groups,  the  equivalent of modern international  relations. They  had the  problems of delimitation and inding the size best  suited  for  the  groups.  Plato and Aristotle discussed  it  in their analyses of  the Greek city states.  The first large scale politically  organized states and state systems of which there are records  developed about 5000BC  in the Nile valley, the Tigris and  Euphrates and later in  the great rivers of China.  This development was not due  to  accident but to a social need common to all these areas. In these areas, states became  enmeshed in networks of interstate relations alternating  between the two patterns of separate warring and cooperating  units and of great empires imposed on them. These political systems usually led by civilizations were fluctuating in their boundaries but were geographically fairly segregated from one another,  early development of a degree of culture and political  coherence. The  medieval Christian commonwealth  successfully preserved the idea of unity through the intuitions  of the church and the universities. The medieval order  eventually crumbled under the impact of the  renaissance and the reformation. The  local princes who rose to political  prominence through the acquisition of territory became  immersed in religious  wars,  fighting for their creeds abroad  and trying to ensure their complete sway  at home Machiavelli  rightly observed that modern states are  based  on power but religious origin must not be neglected.  Religious  forces did  not  disappear  from politics completely but in form of national churches,  generally adapted themselves to the  new units.
The system of sovereign territorial state was formally established by the peace treaty of Westphalia in 1648.  It was   first limited to Europe. Gradually, however, European states extended their rule over other  continents which  they  considered fair game for their expansion. They  thus  molded oversea  territories within  their empires.
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