1.5  Statement of the Problem
Good measures, objectives and a well thought out frame alone do not   make much good if people are not using them in the right way. In this way organizational culture is very important.

Nigerian polytechnics have grown into complex organization but this growth appears not to match the high standard of performance expected of the institutions.  Enrollment of student is very low, the government is reluctant to grant financial assistance, and in all the quality of graduates is
nothing to write home about. Some members of the work force also appear not to be acquainted with the culture of their institution. This equally hamper their standard of performance.  The motivational tools embedded in organizational culture also seen not to generate enough commitment on the part of the workers in order to achieve the organizational goals.
1.6   Objective Of The Study
 This study seeks to accomplish the following objectives:
i.                    To find out if there is a relationship between organizational culture and organizational performance in the institutions.
ii.                 To analyze what the organization will benefit with an effective organizational culture.
iii.                To investigate the challenges in developing and inculcating shared various among the workforce.
iv.               To analyze the extent to which shared values enhance employees’ commitment.
v.                  To determine the level of influence employees commitment has on organizational   performance
1.7   Research Questions
For the purpose of the study these research questions were made 
              i.       Is there any relationship between organizational culture and organizational   performance in institutions of higher learning?
           ii.      What is the benefit of effective organizational culture to an organization?
         iii.      What are the challenges in developing and inculcating shared values among the workforce?
         iv.       To what extent does shared values enhance employees commitment? 
            v.      What is the level of influence employees’ commitment has on organizational    performance?
Research Hypotheses
i.           Hi:  There is a relationship between organizational culture and organizational performance in institutions of higher learning.
HO: There is no relationship between organizational culture and organizational  performance in institutions of higher learning . 
ii.        Hi:  With  effective organizational culture organizations will Benefit a lot. 
HO: With effective organizational culture organizations will
        not benefit a lot.
iii.      Hi:  There are challenges in developing and inculcating shared  values among  the workforce. 
         Ho: There are no challenges in developing and inculcating shared values among  the workforce.
iv.      Hi:  shared values enhance employees’ commitment 
          Ho: shared values does not enhance employees’ commitment  
v.         Hi: employees’ commitment has influence on organizational               Performance.
Ho: Employees’ commitment has no influence on organizational performance 
1.8   Scope of the Study
 Akanu Ibiam Federal Polytechnics Afikpo and Institute of Management and Technology Enugu are our scope because they are second and first generation institutions. Also they are good example of large public organization where organizational members are heterogeneous, varying in educational background, socio-economic standing, perception of the goals of the organization and personal goals
The study will be significant in the following way:
i.                    The benefit of shared values and their cultural implication will be understood by the staff of Akamu Ibiam Federal Polytechnics, Afikpo and Constitute of Management and Technology. Enugu.
ii.                  The various staff union members will become aware of the importance of organizational Culture in the institution and will be guided by the outcome of this study to put in place appropriate attitude and belief system.
iii.                The study will be theoretically relevant to Students of organizational Culture organization performance and organizational behaviour.
iv.               It will be an invaluable material to institutions of higher learning whose staff are finding it difficult to understand their Culture.
v.                   The outcome of the study will equally serve as a guide to private and public management practitioner who may wish to carry out further research on a related topic.]
For the purpose of this study, we adapted the operational definitions of cited authors Viz:
1.          Belief System: This set the value of the society relative to the level of cultural development (Onuoha, 1991).
2.           Culture: An active living phenomenon through which people jointly create and recreate world in which they live (Chukwu, 2001).
3.          Cultural Assumption: This reduce uncertainly and anxiety among people in knowing how to conduct everybody activities of business (Brown, 2006).
4.          Cultural Belief: This dictates ways or how to alter the condition of materials like management style, available resources both human and non-human in the organization (Imaga, 1992).
5.          Employee: An employee is a worker or somebody engaged so that the organization’s goals and objectives are realize (Ewurum, 2001).
6.          Institution: This is a custom, system of organization that has existed for a very long time and is accepted as important part of a particular society (Desler, 1981).
7.           Norms: This can be referred to the guide lines that direct the conduct of an individual in a particular situation (Cray, 1982). 
8.           Organization: This is said to be a deliberate association of individuals, with common objective, working co-operation under leadership and authority (Brown, 2006).
9.          Performance: This is a systematic, periodic and impartial rating of an employee’s excellence in matter patterning to his or her present Job (Fillipo, 1976).
10.     Strategy: Is an integrated plan through which organization accomplishes its objectives (Chukwu, 2001).
11.      Social Structure: This is the patterned and reqularized relationship among the people in the organization (Imaga, 1999). 

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