The study area : Four communities of Ohaozara Local Government area of Ebonyi state, Nigeria were chosen for this  research and four mixed schools were randomly selected. These schools include; Enuagu community primary school (school 1) Urobo Progressive  Primary School, Ugoni Primary School  (school2) Ndiagu Community Primary school (school3) (school 4). Ohaozara Local government area is situated in south Eastern part of Ebonyi State. It also shares boundaries with Abia
and Enugu respectively. Ebonyi state occupies the area lying between co-ordinate  6015 and 5036N and between 70 30 and 801181E.
3.1 Study Population /Sample Size:
The local Government Area is made of several inhabitants who are mainly farmers. The people depend mainly on pond water for their domestic used and these pond as where noticed, normally get dry during the dry season. There  are more blockhouses, few of the houses were of mud (that is, little buts). Most of the block houses including classrooms are poorly constructed, uncompleted and may are not even cemented, paving way for the children to be in constant contact with the soil. Also, most of the schools visited had no seats and the pupil’s were found sitting on the uncommented ground copying lesson notes.

3.2 Ringworm Survey in the Study Area:
This research work lasted for six months. The need and importance of the study was also highlighted to the officers. The heads of the primary schools were improved on the work schedule. The pupils were given health education on the disease. All areas of each pupils head scalp, chest, hands, legs and other parts of the skin were thoroughly examined for evidence of scaling, crusting, follicular inflammation and hair loss of erythema. In each clinical diagnosed case of Tinea capitis and Tinea capitis, a detailed history was recorded. Information was noted on the disease duration, socioeconomic status and the level of crowding at home. Pupil’s were asked about their bathing habits (the number of times they bath in a day, use of soaps and sharing towels with their relation or friends) they were also asked about their habits of sharing clothes, caps, or hats at home and in  school and the existence of potentially contagious contacts including contact with animals. Family history and personal hygiene were also taken into consideration.
3.4 Laboratory Analysis: 
A sum total of 279 pupils were examined for ringworm infection from the school visited. In all suspected case of T. capitis  and T. corporis, the diseased areas of the skin or head were thoroughly cleaned with alcohol and griseofulvin was administered using the most appropriate techniques used by (Fathi  et al,2000).

3.5 Data and Statistical Analysis
            Chi- Square was used for data analysis. The formular is shown below:
X2 = ∑(O-E)2
Where O= observed frequency
  E=  Expected Frequency

Decision Rule: If X2 cal-> X2 tab reject otherwise accepted. Since X2 cal 0.344 < X2 tab 5.99 we reject Ho and accept H1 to conclude that is difference between infection of male and female pupils in the study area.
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