This European
project was developed under the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework
Programme CIP (2007-2013) by using the
“Best procedure”. The “Best procedure “ was set up (under a mandate form the Lisbon council in
2000) to
promote the exchange of best
practice and to create synergies between existing processes. Best procedure projects analyze issues of
interest for the commission and national administrations to provide a better
understanding of their nature and of the work being done on them, and to
identify best practice.
The aim is to
encourage policy change in the member states and in the other participating
countries, and one of the essential features of this methodology is that
projects are carried out jointly by the commission and by the national
administrations concerned.
This article
builds on the commission communication fostering entrepreneurial mindsets
through education and learning, adopted in February 2006, and on the Oslo
agenda for entrepreneurship education
in Europe.
An expert group was set up to
gather and exchange information on the teaching of entrepreneurship in
vocational education, and to propose appropriate measures. National governments were asked by the
commission to designate an expert.
Representatives of certain European organization and networks active in
the field were also invited to participate as observers (the compete list of
experts appears at the beginning of this report.
As apart of its
work the expert group reviewed existing
programmes and examples of good practices more
specifically, the main objectives of this work were the following:
- To review existing programmes and the most commonly used teaching methods:
- To gather information on existing good practice and provide examples.
- To identify the factors of success and the main obstacles
- To identify and exchange best practice in promoting learning about entrepreneurship
- To promote the exchange of experience
- To highlight the role of public policies and identify relevant support measures;
- To draw conclusions and recommendations for policy action.
The tasks of the group were: to
bring together the necessary expertise; to provide information and data on
existing programmes; to ensure cooperation with ad the active involvement of the national administrations in the participating countries.
a nutshell the relationship among them
is that they deal with transforming ideals, skills, innovations etc into
effective practice or creativity through training and individuals.