An Overview of Step Pedcare Is Presented
Current literature suggests that griseofulvin continues to be effective in most patients with Tinea capitis. Ketoconazole is no more effective than griseofulvin and causes more adverse events and drug interactions. Adamson (2001)
Safety and tolerability
Mild adverse effects are
Associated with grisesofulvin, Ketoconazole, terbinafine and itraconazole.
While ketoconazole as associated with adrenal insufficiency, myopathy and
urticaria in adults with treat Tinea capitis, none of these adverse
events were noted in the pediatric studies. Although clinically significant
drug interactions are common with Ketoconazole and itraconazole, their
prevalence was not apparent in the pediatric studies.
Griseofulvin continues to be
effective as a first –line drug in many patients. Terbinafine and traconazole
may be used in unresponsive causes. Terbinafine and traconazole are effective
in pulse and traditional does. However strong comparative clinical trial data
supporting their use are scarce.
Griseofulvin is the most costly
agent supported POEMs (patient- oriented evidence that matters e.g,
compliance rates and clinical cure, such as hair growth, decreased
inflammation, and relapse rated for treating Tinea capitis. Other
antifungal agents are less costly, however, strong clinical data are lacking
to support their use.
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