Tinea capitis, or ringworm of the scalp is the
most common dermatophytes infection among children on the world.Approximately 3
to 8 percent of American children are infected, and up to one third of in –
house contacts are asymptomatic carriers. Tinea infections are usually spread by humans but
may also acquired from adult infection are uncommon due to the fungistatic effect of the sebum found in older persons.
Three primary dermatophytes most commonly encountered are Trichophyton
tonsurans. Microsporum audouini and Microsporum canis. Griseofulvin has long been the standard
therapy for Tinea capitis and is
currently the only antifungal agent labeled by the U.S. food Drug Administration
for this condition temple and associates reviewed the current evidence for griseofulvin as well as several antifungal
agents that have been used to treat Tinea capitis. The authors used the
step approach (safety, tolerability, effectiveness, price) in their analysis of
the data. Temple M.E, et al.,(1999).
Abdel -Rahma. F.
(1989) The Biology of
Ringworm . British Medical
Journal 2, 867.
Adamson, H.G. (2001)
Observation on parasites of
ringworm. British Journal
Dermatologist . 8:201-211.
Addel- Hafez, K.
(1997). Clinical and mycological study of Tinea capitis in sohag
governorate. Journal pan – arableague dermatologists, 8: 95- 101.
Ajao, A. O,
Akintinde, C. (1985) Shidies on the prevalence of tinea capitis infections in
Ile – Ife, Nigeria mycopathologia, 89 (1) 43 – 48.